I really could not have asked for a better back to school morning for Bobby. He got right back into his routine last night and went to bed easily. This morning he woke up happy, came downstairs ate his breakfast, played on his iPad, watch TV and got ready for school with no problem.
The only reason he looks sad in this picture is because he wanted to go get into the car, not wait around while Mommy took more pictures.
He just sat down and looked at me and said "cheese." He knows me well!! We aren't leaving until Mommy gets her picture!!!
Sitting in the car watching the other kids walk into the school building. We wait until the bell rings because his teacher, Ms. Kim comes out to the doorway to get him.
Since Pre-K and Kindergarten didn't also start today, the benches were empty, so Bobby sat down and waited for Ms. Kim.
He did an awesome job waiting, which is generally NOT the case.
Here comes Ms. Kim. ("Maybe if I look the other way, she won't notice me!!").
Bobby got right up and walked right off with her to his classroom.
Yeah!!!! What a relief!! We just never know how this is going to go. Perfect morning!!
"Hi Bobby!!"
When I came to pick Bobby up, I looked through the door window and he was sitting there working well. But, as soon as he saw Mommy....cries like he is being tortured!!!!
"Sit down and finish, Mommy wants to take your picture!!"
Sonny, on the other hand, looked right and me and posed for pictures. However, if Sonny's mom had been the one who walked in, the boys would have the opposite expressions on their faces.

Ms. Kim reported that Bobby had a great first day. He also had a major accomplishment...he went to music class and stayed for the entire time. Ms. Kim couldn't wait to tell me. When Bobby and I were walking down the hall to leave, one of the aides chased me down to tell me all about music class. Then the music teacher, along with the art teacher, came after us to tell us all about music class. The music teacher said she is extremely impressed with Bobby's rhythm, he kept a perfect beat. She said that he may have problems on the days that she has to lecture, but they will cross that bridge when they get there. I told her how Bobby likes to stand in front of our mirror and sing, so she is going to get him a mirror for music class. Tomorrow Bobby is going to art class and they are also going to try to get him to take gym class with his peers!! I just pray that tomorrow (and the next day, and the next....) go as well!!!

On Thursdays, Bobby goes to Playworks for occupational therapy after school. Boy, we turned onto the road and he knew where we were going and he was not happy. It was like "Mom, really!! Haven't I done enough today!!!" Sorry Bobby, but this year is going to be alot different for you. He leaves school everyday at 1:55, goes to Playworks on Thursday and will go to ABA therapy every other weekday. Even though he is leaving school early, his work day is definitely not over!!
I came back early to pick up Bobby from OT since he had a long day. Bobby was jumping on the trampoline in between his work.
Bobby wouldn't climb through the squeeze machine for me, he just wanted to go home!!!
As soon as we walked through the door, Bobby ran upstairs, tore the covers off of Mommy's bed, piled up the pillows and climbed on in. "Ahhh, finally, I'm home."
"Maybe if I close my eyes, she will leave me alone." So, I did. He laid in bed for about half an hour and then came downstairs for a snack. Great first day of 2nd grade!!