Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Saturday, August 13, 2011


In many aspects, Bobby is like a toddler in a 7 years old body (with the strength of a 12 year old).  One of the most challenging things about him is that you never know what he is going to get into and you have to keep at least one eye on him at all times. 

Yesterday, I finally had to break down and run the sweeper in the house.  I just could not stand it anymore.  In the past couple of years Bobby has become deathly afraid of the sweeper and I try my hardest not to run it while he is at home.  As soon as I open the closet door that houses the sweeper, he stops what he is doing, comes to see if I am getting the sweeper out and if I am he runs upstairs and hides out.  It isn't that big of a deal most of the time, but he has been out of school for 2 weeks and home all day long with me. 

After I ran the sweeper, I went back to put it in the closet.  He will not come back downstairs until it is safely put away and he hears the closet door shut.  The closet is at the bottom of our staircase and the closer I got to the staircase, I could smell trouble....

Bobby got into daddy's shaving cream.  I must not of closed the door perfectly when I got the dirty towels out to put into the laundry and Bobby found his opening.  They played in shaving cream multiple times this summer at school, but Bobby never got to rub it all over his body.  His poor eyes were red for hours. 

Bobby knew that he was in trouble, because he got the wet wipes off of the back of the toilet and tried to clean up.

He even got the hand soap and some toilet paper to aid in the clean up process.  Obviously he still needs some lessons in clean up (he takes after his dad!!). 

At least it was soap this time which is easy to clean up.  A few days ago it was lotion....
It took three hair washings in a row and his hair still felt yucky, so I had his go swimming for a couple of hours to get rid of the rest.

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