Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Bobby's Perfect Day!!!!

There is a little secret in the autism community.  If and when your functionally non-verbal child starts talking, you have a new problem.  They won't be quiet!!  It's extremely hard to be upset with them because you are just so unbelievable excited that they are talking and talking correctly.  The number of hours of therapy, prompting, praying, crying, celebrating to get to the moment that they start talking is just.....well, I don't even have the right word to express the pride and euphoria that you feel when they finally start taking.

But now, all we hear all day long from Bobby is the places that he wants to go.  Funny enough, when you get there he is already talking about the next place that he wants to go.  For instance, Tuesday when he was swimming at Krepps Pool he was saying "Grandma house."  He says these things repeatedly, I mean every 2 seconds until you just can't take it any longer.  Now, we have to work in therapy on how to get him to stop talking.  Now I know everywhere he would like to go at all times and while I was washing dishes I started thinking about his perfect day of going to all of the places that he asks for all day long.  (Boy, oh boy, I can't wait until school starts for a little break!!).

Bobby's perfect day....
He would wake up at 7:00 and I would let him have potato chips with ranch dip for breakfast and we would definitely skip brushing teeth.  We would get dressed and drive to Grandma's house where he could run upstairs and turn on an Elmo's World DVD on the tv, then he would come downstairs to the living room and look for her computer so that he could watch YouTube (he doesn't know that our computer has this option!!).  He then would watch Moose A. Moose (of Nick Jr. fame) sing "I don't like candy corn" his song of choice.
After we stay at Grandma's for about an hour, it will be time to leave.  As we are driving up the interstate to come home, we would obviously stop off at Valley Worlds of Fun!! 

After all of this fun, we will get back on the interstate and head north.  Instead of staying on 79 to go home, we will turn on to 68 and head to Sabraton.  First stop, Long John Silver's for some lunch and then head on over to Marilla Pool to play on the water slides.
After Marilla, we would go back to the interstate and stop off on the University Ave. exit and go to the WV Gymnastics Training Center for some tumbling, after all we are driving right by so why not!!
After tumbling, back to the interstate and back onto 79.  Next stop Westover Exit where we would stop at McDonald's for "french fries, sauce" followed by a stop at Playworks Child Development Center and look for Santa Clause in the playroom.  I'm gonna bet that he don't find him!!  Next stop, "Sheldee's house," aka, Shelly's (Sonny's) house where he wants to run around their front yard.  

Back to the interstate and this time the Star City Exit and a stop off at Krepps Pool for "swimming...towel....Coach."  We have to see Coach, who is Bobby's phys. ed. teacher at school.
After we are done at Krepps, we would take Bobby to the University Town Center and let him walk around Barnes and Noble, where he would pick out another Elmo's World DVD to add to his collection.
He prefers to pay for his DVD at the Starbuck's counter so that he can also get a super duper large sugar cookie with sprinkles.  Next stop Target so that he can walk around the store and make sure that all of the freezer door handles are all still lined up properly.

After Target we would finally head home.....and during the ride Bobby would say "Grandma house" the entire ride home.  We just can't win this one!!!!  Yes, we are still incredibly beyond grateful that he is learning to talk.  Since it is a theoretical perfect day, when we made it to our driveway, there would be kids lined up who wanted to jump in the trampoline with Bobby!!  Score!!!

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