Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Monday, December 5, 2016

Sensitive Santa 2016

I had no intention of taking Bobby to Sensitive Santa this year.  He started middle school and it seemed like the perfect time to transition away from this event, he's a big boy now and his typical peer classmates are no longer visiting Santa.  Then, when he woke up Sunday morning at 5:30 am requesting to go to Giant Eagle or Target or to the mall....he woke up ready to go, which happens most mornings.

Fine Bobby, I'll take you to the mall, perfect timing!!  I put him in his every day clothes, no need to dress up since he won't be sitting on Santa's lap, just participating in some of the other fun events and taking a nice long walk.

Before we left the house, I took some annual "in front of the Christmas tree" pictures.  This process is easier if he has a reward, like going to the mall.

He cooperated, now off to the mall we go!!!  We walked a couple of laps around the mall and then I gave in and let him play in the kids play area.  He kept requesting "slide" so why not?  The mall is full of special needs families, they don't care if a big kid is in the play area.

While in the play area, he still kept requesting slide.  Sorry Bobby, that is the slide, it didn't shrink, you grew!!!  You are not going to find anything more thrilling are over 4 years old!! After 5 minutes he was done.  "Come on Bobby, you can ride the train."  Part of the Sensitive Santa fun, the mall train is there giving free rides for the 2 hour event.

Bobby sat in a couple of different cars, but decided that he didn't want to ride the train.  What???? The conductor couldn't even believe that he didn't want to ride.  That's how many times he had taken rides in the past, the conductor knows us!!!  I still can't get over how his likes/dislikes are changing. Instead of riding, he preferred to watch the train go by and wave at them.

 I still can't get over the fact Bobby's hand is up in the air and he is waving at them!!!!!!!!
Not sure what came over me, but I decided to go over and get him a number to go visit with Santa. There was a new Santa this year and why not??  We took some pictures with the mall decorations in the background.

Finally time to get a Santa picture.

They offered to take the picture again because Santa is not looking at the camera.  I said no thanks, made me laugh that Bobby is the one actually looking at the camera!!!

So thankful that these Sensitive Santa events happen all over the country!!  It's awesome to see this group of kids having a fun holiday activity.  They could make ornaments, got a free book or cd, had a area with large blocks to build with and knock over, sensory activities including lots of bubbles being blown and most of all, socialization with our special needs family and friends.

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