Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Friday, April 27, 2012

Happy Birthday Grandma Carolyn

Why is it that everything always seems to fall on one day?  Yesterday was one of those days, with the most important event being my moms birthday.

I dropped Bobby off at school, walked with my friend Shelly, stopped at the grocery store to pick up the food for the birthday dinner, came home put groceries away, seared the roast and put it into the crock pot, wrapped birthday presents, stopped off at Med Express to have my TB test read, picked Bobby up from school early (his teacher reported that he had a perfect day) and took him for his well child check, then off to occupational therapy, finally home to prepare for the birthday dinner and "party."  Good thing that Bobby was there to help decorate!!!
He may not have decorated the way that I would have, but at least he was occupied while I baked the cake and worked on dinner!!
Bobby was front and center with Grandma Carolyn to help blow out her birthday candles.
                                                                    I love this picture!!!
And of course, we had to light the candles again...
                                             Happy Birthday Grandma Carolyn!!!  We love you!!!

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Big Night On The Town

When Bobby was small enough for a stroller, we went everywhere.  He sat so well in his stroller and as long as we were moving, he was a happy boy.  With his sippy cup in the cup holder, snack cup at his side we logged many miles in malls, stores, Idlewild, Kennywood, Hershey Park,...Finally he got too tall and he drug his feet along the floor and the stroller was put away.  We were limited to stores that had shopping carts.  Bobby sat happily in the cart and watched while I pushed him through the isles of Walmart, Sam's Club, Target, Lowe's, grocery stores.  Our shopping world was much more limited, but we adjusted.  Finally, Bobby got too big for store shopping carts and our shopping world with Bobby became almost non-existent.
We have been working on walking through stores with Bobby holding our hand and things have been getting worse instead of better.  Bobby has gotten to the point where he is refusing to get out of the car at Sam's Club and Lowes.  Bob and I tried to force him out of the car at Sam's Club and Bobby sat down in the parking lot like we were hurting him.  He won, no Sam's Club that day.  On one of his days off from school, I pushed the issue of Sam's Club and he and I went to the store again.  We did get into the store and Bobby held the back of his hands over his eyes and said, "car, car, car" over and over.  I pushed him further into the store and he finally said "pee potty" so we went to the bathroom (which, by the way, is the one place that REALLY bothered him as a toddler.  We have finally beat the public bathroom terror.)  He didn't have to use the potty, it was almost like he needed a break.  When we went back into the store, he again said "car, car, car."  I tried to take him into the store and get a couple of things that he really likes...Elmo video, cheetos, ring pop.  But he wasn't having it, he just wanted out of that place.  Once we were out in the parking lot, he immediately calmed down and his anxiety was over.

                                                   Roughing up the PlayDoh!!

Bobby's life was getting pretty limited (and frustrating).  He would go to Giant Eagle well with me to get a couple of groceries.  I take him there because they have self check outs and generally don't have to deal with waiting in line.  He would also still walk around the mall without major anxiety issues.  I was thinking about it one night...he is ok in Giant Eagle and does fairly well in the mall (has issues, but doesn't mind going).  No to Sam's, Walmart, Lowes.  All of the no stores have exposed ceilings and we already know that he doesn't like gymnasiums.  Giant Eagle and mall stores have drop ceilings.  I decided to take him to Target a couple of weeks ago to see how he did.  Well, he walked around the store holding my hand like a champ.  He wasn't noisy (he makes an eeeeee noise, especially when stressed) and actually had a smile on his face.  We have gone back a few times in the past couple of weeks.  Daddy has even gone with us (I think that he needed to see to believe!!).
                                                    He found a caterpillar.

Yesterday after school, I took Bobby outside to play (as seen in all of these blog pictures) while Daddy did some outside work.  Bobby did such a great job staying in the yard and playing.  He even sat on my lap on the swing and we had a "moment" (my autism friends will get this), we were face to face singing and Bobby gently removed my hair that had blown into my mouth (it was very windy and my hands were full holding onto Bobby).

He asked to "ride in car" and since he was being such a good boy, I wanted to honor his request and help to teach him that you are more likely to get what you want when you have good behavior.  Daddy said that he would go to and the three of us got into the car and headed off to Target.
                                               He dropped the caterpillar.

Bobby held my hand and the three of us started walking our lap around the store.  Me:  "Bobby, whats this?  (pointing to a pair of Cookie Monster men's pajama pants)  Bobby:  "Cookie Monster" Yes!!!!  We go to the toy dept and he again identified cookie monster as well as Elmo, Dora, bubbles.  In the pet dept, I pulled Bobby into the dog food isle.  Me:  "What's this?"  (pointing to a pic of a dog).  Bobby:  "Dog"  Me:  "What does a dog say?"  Bobby:  "woof woof".  Then to the cat food isle.  "What's this?"  "cat"  "what does a cat say?"  "meow"  Yes, Bobby!!!!!!  He identified a few more things in the next few isles.  Then he said "milk".  Me:  "What do you want?" Bobby:  "I want milk."

We walked over to the snack counter and Bobby picked a milk out of the cooler.  I picked up an apple dipper for him and ordered him chicken nuggets.  Bob and Bobby went and sat down at a table while I paid and got our cup, napkins....  Bobby sat down drank him milk.  We were shocked when he started dipping an apple into caramel dip.   (Bobby doesn't really eat sweet things, other than pillsbury sugar cookies and dum dum suckers and he doesn't try new things very often).  He dipped the apple and licked the caramel while drinking his milk all while sitting perfectly in his seat. Bob and I just sat there (elated!!).  It took quite a while before the chicken nuggets ever arrived at our table so Bob finally took Bobby for one more lap around the store and to the bathroom.
When they got back to the table the chicken nuggets were cool and ready to eat.  Bobby sat right down and started eating (again we were shocked because the nuggets were not from McDonalds).  He ate all of them, drank the rest of his milk and chewed on some more apple before we got up, cleaned up the table and left the store.

Bob and I sat there so unbelievably happy.  We were out of the house.  Bobby was acting appropriately.  We both had a tear in our eye.  Not because we were at Target, but getting a hopeful glimpse into our future.  A future in which we can venture out into the world as a family and do the ordinary things that most families take for granted.  We found a public spot in this world that Bobby doesn't experience great anxiety.  We are learning to look at his behavior as indicators of he extreme anxiety and sensory overloads, not as him being "bad."  Honestly, unless you were sitting by us for a while, you would have never known that Bobby had autism, that is how well our evening went.  Now, I just have to hunt for some new location that is acceptable in Bobby's World.
How many of you are shocked that I don't have pictures of Bobby walking through Target and sitting there eating his chicken nuggets????!!!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

The most beautiful toddler in the world

Last night I had a dream about Bobby and he was wearing those cute little footy, snuggly toddler/baby pajamas.  You know, the kind that you just melt when you see a baby wearing them.  I got out Bobby's photo albums and of course, he sat right down beside me and we looked back down memory lane.  Oh I wish that he was still that age when he would fit into a stroller and a store buggy and he would ride as long as we would push him.  Plus he was so much easier to catch when he was running off since his legs were so little.  Thought that I would share some of the pics of his toddler days (before I had a digital camera and actually had to have pictures printed-so I didn't take hundreds every month like I do now).
He loved to sit in this kitchen drawer.  He finally won the battle and I kept it empty so that he could climb on in.  He generally had a white cloth diaper in his hand (or rather mouth).  He liked the feel off it on his face and liked to chew on them.
Oh I wish they made foot powered riding toys like this in his size now.  Bobby spent hours on the ones that were in the house.  He rode around the wood floors in our house like a wild man.  He hasn't figured out pedal bikes and actually doesn't have much interest in them.
Bobby fell asleep in the craziest places when he was a toddler.  He would be playing, stop for 30 seconds and would be fast asleep.
He loved to sit in the baby doll high chair and sit in the baby doll cradle.

He also loved his exersaucer.  Even after he was way too big for it, he still liked the toys that were attacked.  Notice the baby doll stroller with wheels in the air-this was Bobby's favorite way for this stroller to sit.
He always manged to climb up on our outdoor table and hold on the the umbrella.
Yes, that is Bobby face down into a puddle...
He has been muddy from the beginning!!
He would drag his little rocking chair into the dining room and climb up onto his high chair and just sit there and hang out on the tray.  How he survived without more bumps and bruises!!
The two Bob's, big and small.  Aren't they cute!!??!!  Thanks for going with me on the trip down memory lane.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Is the tide turning??

Wow, is April over yet???  Bobby has been out of school for 14 out of the past 18 days.  So excited that the school schedule is getting back to normal next week.  After this weekend, these poor kids are going to have trouble going to school for a full week.  Only one extra day off left in April and only 2 in May!!  Unfortunately for this past stretch of 5 days off of school, I have been sick.  The worst sinus infection/allergy combo that I have had in years.  Still coughing up a lung every time I talk.  Fun, fun, fun!!!  Bob came home from work earlier in the week with the allergy/cold disgustingness (I know, not a word).  Yesterday I finally felt like taking Bobby outside to play after school and he was ecstatic.
We have had such an extremely hard time with Bobby outside lately.  He has been running off from us and it has frankly been a nightmare.  But he was AWESOME!!  He stayed right in the yard and played (well, played Bobby style).
A true WV hillbilly!!!
He stood in these trees for quite a while.  Not sure what the fascination was, but it kept him occupied and happy.
Bobby couldn't wait for Daddy to get home to take him for a ride in the Rhino.  "I gonna drive this thing myself!!"
He couldn't figure out how to drive, so he moved back over to his side.  He even tried to alter his seat...
We had the best time outside that we have had in a while, and trust me, we were ready for a good one!!  I hope that this means the tide is turning for our outside time!!!

When it was time to come inside, Bobby came right on in and didn't fuss once.  He was ready to get working on his "road."
Working hard to put up some guard rails on his road.  The wood pieces were not cooperating like Bobby wanted which caused a minor meltdown, but he worked through it without getting too upset.
He finally moved the structure to the kitchen hoping that the guard rail would go up better.
After school he goes to his 3rd appointment with his new autism therapist.  Definitely will have to play outside since it will be 80ish, the cold is back on its way tomorrow.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Longest Spring Break Ever

We really didn't have any way to top the first day of Bobby's spring break.  After all, riding in the car all day and riding the Rhino with Daddy in the woods....well, nothing is better in Bobby's World!!!

The worst thing happened over the first weekend of spring break...our neighbors put in a fish pond, complete with a fountain in the middle.  Ironically, the pond is not that big and you probably wouldn't even notice it unless I pointed it out to you;  however, Bobby noticed!!!!  He sat on our steps that lead upstairs in our house and looked out the front door windows at their pond for two straight days, while sitting in his swim trunks that he put on himself.  Bobby said "swimming" ALL day (to the point I was ready to scream, pull my hair out or run away).  When we went outside he ran from us and tried to get down the hill to their pond.  Now don't get me wrong, I am not upset with my neighbors, they have every right to do whatever they want in their yard.  It has, however, made our life much, much, much harder.  Bobby wanted out to the pond so badly that he figured out how to break through our child locks on our doors.  UUGGGHHH, my worst nightmare coming true all during a time where he was home all day long!!!

Bob has just finished child proofing our doors to the next level to keep Bobby inside and safe.  Our 2 main outside doors are still safe, since he can't yet work the dead bolt, we will have to cross that bridge....   He had to change 8 of our door knobs to key-entry knobs, with the key facing us, not outward.  We have hooks high at each door with a key hanging and you have to open most of our doors with a key.  We do have one bathroom open for Bobby and his bedroom.  All of the other doors that used to house plastic child lock covers are now key entry.  Very inconvenient, but not as inconvenient as having search parties look for Bobby or even worse.

A flour covered Bobby (maybe he has been training with Peeta!!)

We moved Bobby to play in the fenced in area of our yard (which he doesn't really like) since he kept running off from us.  Zoi liked us being out there with her.  Tennis ball fun!!
Don't stick your tongue out at me young lady!!!!

To celebrate Easter, we went to our Autism Support Group Easter egg hunt.  The major problem, the egg hunt was at Bobby's schools playground.  He doesn't have problem going out to play there during school, but after hours he will not go there and play.  He will go to other school playgrounds, but not his.  I have no idea why, but it held true for the egg hunt...Bobby did not want to be there and was not happy.  He only stayed about 20 minutes and then Grandma Carolyn took him home.
He enjoyed looking through some prizes, but had no interest in finding eggs or playing on the playground.  Later on in the day we went to play at Mylan Park school's playground to show Daddy that the problem was indeed the location, not the playground.
Bobby played like a champ.  Mommy and Daddy "played" basketball while Grandma Carolyn watched.

Easter went very well.  Grandma Carolyn and Aunt Mimi came over to cook and spend the day with us.  The Easter bunny waited until our guests arrived to bring Bobby's basket.
Bobby did a great job opening his basket.  He could see what was in it and opened it up and started pulling things out.  He didn't have to unwrap anything.  The Easter Bunny said that he would talk to Santa Clause and use these strategies to make Christmas morning a whole lot easier!!
Bobby showing off his prized pinwheel to Aunt Mimi.  Kisses for Grandma Carolyn...
Bobby went into the dining room to take a little break from the Easter festivities and hide out for a little while...
He sat amazingly well to eat dinner at the dining room table.  Our new tradition seems to be having a cake at every "celebration" so that Bobby knows that we are having a special event.  He happily blew out the candles on our malt ball covered chocolate cake (he didn't eat any, just enjoyed blowing out the candles).
After 10 long, long, long days off, Bobby finally went back to school.  He even dressed himself one day...
Too bad it wasn't "Wacky Wednesday" at school, because I so would have sent him like this!!!

It is finally back to normal around here.  Bobby is back to his school routine and we have had much better days.  He went out to play when he got home today and Zoi was making sure that he was ok in the yard.
Obviously, we had to go out and join the fun...
Zoi licking the flour out of Bobby's hair.

The crazy twist to spring break is that the Mon. Co. kids had 10 days off, go back for for 4 days (well, 3 1/2, there is an early dismissal on Friday), then have 4 more days off.  Plus, Wednesday is kindergarten registration and they use the autism room for the occasion.  So, if I send Bobby to school, he will be the speech room ALL day, which is a small room with a table, a couple of chairs, and a storage cabinet.  There are no windows, no computer, no play area, none of his "stuff" and Bobby would be MISERABLE all day.  Obviously, I am not going to send him so he gets a 5 1/2 day weekend.  Just what we need after 3 1/2 days of school.  Lord, give me the strength....