Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Splash Zone Swim Party with the Autism Society of WV

As I pulled into the parking space, Bobby's anxiety level was on high.  He put his hand on top of mine and tried to get me to turn the key back on, get the car started and get the heck out of there. Too many kids coming out of the water park at the end of the day and a group of kids with autism waiting to go into the park for their after hours pool party was a little too much for him.

Sorry buddy, we are going in, because I know that after you calm yourself down, your gonna love it!

Waiting in line to sign in and get our wrist bands was stressful.  Bobby was yelling out and hitting his head, but with this group of people, it wasn't even noticed, that's why we love to do things, especially new things, with the Corridor Chapter of the Autism Society of WV.....these are our peeps, we all get it and don't have to say a word to each other.

Once inside the Splash Zone water park, he didn't calm down when he saw the slides, pools and spraying water.  More yelling out, hitting his head, and trying to leave from Bobby but we were determined to stay.  We walked around and let him see all of the areas and see that many of the faces in the crowd were familiar.  He refused to take off his shoes and shirt when I tried to prompt him to walk over a bridge to get a better view of the park and when I tried to get him to walk into a beach entry pool, which is favorite part of Stepping Stones.

We finally made it to the far side of the park and Bobby started taking his shirt off and kicked off his shoes, Daddy and I were thrilled and we both assumed that he was going to walk into the water play area that looked almost identical to his favorite water play area at Krepps pool where he has been participating in adaptive swimming for years.  He didn't however, he walked over to the stairs for the largest water slide of the park.  Yippee!!!

Daddy went up the stairs with him and I went to the bottom of the slide and waited, and waited, and waited.  I decided that it would be best if Daddy and I switch places because I know that Daddy won't force him to do something, and I on the other hand, have no problem doing this.  I went up the stairs and Daddy went to the bottom.  I tend to talk to Bobby out loud in these situations, "I know that you want to do this, I can see it in your face.  SIT DOWN!!"  I helped him get his legs in front of him and pushed him down the slide!!

On his first time down, he held on to the side of the slide to slow himself down and by the bottom was turned around a little and Daddy said that he landed in the water head first.  He got out of the water at the bottom and headed straight for the the stairs.  I helped him again and down he went. This time I ran down the stairs and had Daddy go to the top so that I could get a picture of Bobby coming down the slide.

He was squealing with delight when he landed into the bottom pool!!  I prompted over to the pool stairs quickly so that the next kid could slide, otherwise, he would take a grand old time!!
He got out, walked over to the stairs where Daddy was waiting at the top.  He did this close to 10 times in a row!!

 While I was standing at the bottom waiting for Bobby to come down again, I heard my name, I turned around and Joey was floating by in the lazy river!!

Look at this smile on his face!!!  So glad that we stayed and forced the issue.  He is having fun!! Then, he got out of the bottom pool and was ready to go home.  What??  You are having fun, lets go explore more of the park!!  Daddy and I had to force the issue some are staying and playing Bobby!!
He walked over to this slide, climbed the ladder, sat down and down he went.  Yeah, I think he was a little surprised when he landed in 9 feet of water versus the small pool that he landed in for the huge water slide!!!

I heard my name again.........Joey!!!
We stopped for some pictures with Sonny and Joey.
We gave in and let Bobby go change his clothes and we left halfway through the party.  So proud that Bobby was able to calm himself down, he didn't melt down, just made some noise.  Funny thing is, he will probably be asking for the slide nonstop!  We are just so thankful for groups like the Autism Society where we can force the issue with Bobby in a safe, nonjudgemental environment!!

Friday, July 8, 2016


We made it!!!  We made it through a full month of no school, no formal therapy, no plans.  Bobby loved the first week of this.  Swimming, rail trail walks, swimming, rail trail walks, swimming, all lead to a very happy boy!!  All was still good during the second week.....swimming, more rail trail walks, shopping at Giant Eagle and Target.  He began getting a little fussy during the third week of his break, but no real major issues.  However, by the fourth week of his break, he was READY for his routine to be back.  After months of no meltdowns, we went through 3 in this week alone.

It's amazing that I had really forgotten what the pre-meltdown clues looked like.  So imagine my surprise when he started SCREAMING in Target when I wouldn't let him give the buggy a big push down the main isle to see just how far it would go on it's own.  Heaven help me, I was unprepared!! We immediately left and his bad mood stayed for hours.  Yippee, fun times.  I was literally counting down the hours until ESY (extended school year/summer school) began.

When the school bus door closed and he was on his way to school, I went home and breathed a huge sigh of relief.  Four hours of quiet calm.  It was heavenly!!  Funny thing happened, he calmed right down as soon as his school routine was back.  Zero meltdowns this week.  Boy, our life is just so much easier with his predictable routine!!!!

To celebrate the first week of ESY under our belts, I decided to take Bobby to a brand new attraction in our small city.  I asked some of our special needs friends if they would like to join us, and soon a super fun play date was planned.

Bobby came home from school, ate his lunch and settled in to watch an Elmo movie.  I went and asked him, "do you want to do to tumbling?"  He immediately got up and repeated "you jump" until we were in the car and on our way.  He assumed that we were on our way to the gymnastics center where he was had special needs tumbling for the past few years.  I, however, had other plans!!!

Launch Pad, a trampoline park, just opened up super close to his school. Best news ever....they have planned special needs only jump times!!  Whoo hoo!!! When I turned off onto the road for the new facility, he was a little concerned....he had only been out this road for behavioral therapy, before his therapy clinic changed locations a couple of years ago.  He was unsure when I pulled into the parking lot.....he really didn't want to get out of the car.  I had to say, "let's go jump!" He finally got out of the car and went into the building.

Yay!!  It's a trampoline park and even better, the only people inside are his friends!!!!  It took him a couple of minutes to explore his surroundings and then he went in and joined the fun!

 Bobby refused to wear his jump socks, which did not surprise me at all, but they waive this requirement for the special needs hour only for kids with sensory issues.  Thank you Launch Pad!
 It's extra special that siblings are included in the special needs time so that families can go have an activity together!!!

 Bobby helped pick out this Snoopy t-shirt for Dylan's birthday present a couple of months ago!!

 Bobby and Sonny, tickling not choking!!

 My favorite part of this place, there is only one end of the trampoline area that is open, so parents can sit together and watch their kids and talk with each other because the kids are all in one area.

 The have an upstairs observation area with some video games to play.
By the end of the hour, kids were sweaty and tired......a parent's favorite sight!!

Bobby was ready to leave by the end of the session, he was HOT, hungry and thirsty.  By 6:30 pm, he kept repeating "you jump" which was to announce that he was ready to go back.  This may be the only bad part of this place....too close!!  LOL!!  I'm sure that we will be back.....sooner than later!!

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

4th of July 2016

Everyone I invited to a cookout to celebrate the 4th of July RSVP'd yes!!  That never happens. No one had to work and everyone was coming, we were so excited.  When I planned the cookout the weather forecast was hot and sunny....perfect!!  The closer that it got to the 4th, the worse the weather forecast became.  Three options....move the party to the Saturday before when the weather was still perfect (problem with this, some guests had to work on Saturday), cancel the party all together because of the weather and lay on the couch all day and watch the rain (NO FUN!!), or move the party into the garage.

We opted for option three. We straightened up the garage, moved the vehicles out and all of the patio furniture in.  Not ideal, but after the extreme flooding that our neighbors are dealing with in Southern WV, we weren't complaining!! We were all together with good food and drink.  The rain was unfortunate, but not that big of a deal.

Bob moved the grill to the driveway and figured out a way to stay dry while he grilled...

Bobby's social anxiety has once again reared it's ugly head.  He had been doing so much better with groups and parties, but over the past couple of months, he tends to hide upstairs when we have company.  He is more than happy to hang out and play in his room, watch Elmo movies, and play with his ipad. I don't force him to come out and spend the day with us, but he does have to come and say hi to everyone and socialize for a short time.

We were all catching up and somehow discovered that two of the party guests, Bob and his nephew Sam, had almost identical pictures on their phones.  Umm, the pictures definitely are not typical!!! LOL, who has pictures of themselves sitting on toilets outside!!!  Both were from new toilet installations.   They are even sitting in the same position!!!  Yes, these two are definitely related!!
The cold temps and rain kept us from swimming, playing corn hole, setting of fireworks, but the plastic ladder golf game did make an appearance. We didn't last too long with the game....cold, misty rain took away some of the fun!!

One guest made his own fun, he didn't care about the rain.....Ryan!!!  We all enjoyed watching him play.    Bubbles, trucks, cars, remote control bus....he loved it all!

Ryan's little sister, Ally, was also a party highlight!!  Nothing like a baby girl in a tutu!
Absolutely an American Cutie!

 Those who know me know that I'm taking pictures when there is a gathering.  Who am I kidding, I take pictures of just about everything!  I wanted some pictures of the boys together.  The next morning when I was looking over the pictures.....why didn't I get the girls and kids into any group shots??????????????  I have no answers, so unlike me!!!!!!
 Bob (Bobby's daddy), Sam (Bob's brother), Evan (Sam's son), and Sammy (Sam's son)
 Chris (Sam's step-son and lucky dad of Ryan and Ally), Bob, Sam, Evan and Sammy
 Sam with his boys....Chris, Evan and Sammy
 Ryan didn't really care that his dad and uncles were getting their picture taken!!!

I had Bobby come outside, I definitely wanted a picture of him with all of the boys!!  
My mom and aunt were also there. Sorry Mimi, I'm putting this picture in just to prove that you were there!!!!  Zoi is the opposite of Bobby during these occasions....she wants to be front and center and have the attention of all guests!!
This is definitely not the best picture, but the girls are in there!!  Girls, I promise, we will get a better one next time!!
The rain didn't ruin the day, we all had a great time!!