Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

4th of July 2016

Everyone I invited to a cookout to celebrate the 4th of July RSVP'd yes!!  That never happens. No one had to work and everyone was coming, we were so excited.  When I planned the cookout the weather forecast was hot and sunny....perfect!!  The closer that it got to the 4th, the worse the weather forecast became.  Three options....move the party to the Saturday before when the weather was still perfect (problem with this, some guests had to work on Saturday), cancel the party all together because of the weather and lay on the couch all day and watch the rain (NO FUN!!), or move the party into the garage.

We opted for option three. We straightened up the garage, moved the vehicles out and all of the patio furniture in.  Not ideal, but after the extreme flooding that our neighbors are dealing with in Southern WV, we weren't complaining!! We were all together with good food and drink.  The rain was unfortunate, but not that big of a deal.

Bob moved the grill to the driveway and figured out a way to stay dry while he grilled...

Bobby's social anxiety has once again reared it's ugly head.  He had been doing so much better with groups and parties, but over the past couple of months, he tends to hide upstairs when we have company.  He is more than happy to hang out and play in his room, watch Elmo movies, and play with his ipad. I don't force him to come out and spend the day with us, but he does have to come and say hi to everyone and socialize for a short time.

We were all catching up and somehow discovered that two of the party guests, Bob and his nephew Sam, had almost identical pictures on their phones.  Umm, the pictures definitely are not typical!!! LOL, who has pictures of themselves sitting on toilets outside!!!  Both were from new toilet installations.   They are even sitting in the same position!!!  Yes, these two are definitely related!!
The cold temps and rain kept us from swimming, playing corn hole, setting of fireworks, but the plastic ladder golf game did make an appearance. We didn't last too long with the game....cold, misty rain took away some of the fun!!

One guest made his own fun, he didn't care about the rain.....Ryan!!!  We all enjoyed watching him play.    Bubbles, trucks, cars, remote control bus....he loved it all!

Ryan's little sister, Ally, was also a party highlight!!  Nothing like a baby girl in a tutu!
Absolutely an American Cutie!

 Those who know me know that I'm taking pictures when there is a gathering.  Who am I kidding, I take pictures of just about everything!  I wanted some pictures of the boys together.  The next morning when I was looking over the pictures.....why didn't I get the girls and kids into any group shots??????????????  I have no answers, so unlike me!!!!!!
 Bob (Bobby's daddy), Sam (Bob's brother), Evan (Sam's son), and Sammy (Sam's son)
 Chris (Sam's step-son and lucky dad of Ryan and Ally), Bob, Sam, Evan and Sammy
 Sam with his boys....Chris, Evan and Sammy
 Ryan didn't really care that his dad and uncles were getting their picture taken!!!

I had Bobby come outside, I definitely wanted a picture of him with all of the boys!!  
My mom and aunt were also there. Sorry Mimi, I'm putting this picture in just to prove that you were there!!!!  Zoi is the opposite of Bobby during these occasions....she wants to be front and center and have the attention of all guests!!
This is definitely not the best picture, but the girls are in there!!  Girls, I promise, we will get a better one next time!!
The rain didn't ruin the day, we all had a great time!!

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