Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Thursday, June 30, 2011

"I want apple"

When Bobby wants an apple, he says, "I want apple."  This is one of the phrases that sticks in his head and he is able to pull out appropriately.  When he says this, he wants me to go over to the pantry and open the door so that he can get an apple and eat.  Apples are one of his preferred foods.

This phrase, however, now has new meaning for me.  It means...I want an apple ipad!!  Bobby finally got his ipad and got to try it out this morning after he got ready for school and was waiting to leave for the school bus (he doesn't put on his clothes until we are ready to walk out the door).  I ordered a child friendly case that should be here in a couple of days, until then he is closely monitored.

A new app to Bobby that isn't on his ipod.  He loves Elmo!!

He touches a letter, then gets to trace it with his finger...

and then for a reward, a Sesame Street video clip built into the app!!!

Bobby then worked on the Color slaPs app.  A discrete trial training app for colors.

And finally on to Nick Jr's Moose and Zee...

Since Bobby sat and worked for 15 minutes, he got to watch a couple of minutes of his favorite Elmo movie before time to put on his clothes and ride the school bus!!

Funny thing about the headphones, it that he broke them last week and is still wearing them when he is watching his DVD player and went and got them for ipad work.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Home playground

Since it can be extremely difficult to take Bobby to a public playground and we are fortunate enough to have a multiple acre yard, Bob has basically put in a playground at home for Bobby.  He has had the swingset play unit since he was 2 and has finally started spending some time playing on, well mostly the glider.

The funny thing about the glider, it is the only part of the playground that was given to us.  Of course, the free addition is Bobby's favorite thing!!  We thought that Bobby would just love the dome shaped climber in the back of the picture since Bobby loves angles and shapes, but he has only spent about 2 minutes total climbing on it in the 3 years that it has been on the playground. 

Bobby has started sitting on the swings, but will not let you push him. 

Bobby spends a lot of time on his indoor trampoline, but does get into his outdoor trampoline, especially if someone goes in with him.  He is a JUMPER!!  Recently he has decided that he likes to sit in the middle of the trampoline and let others jump and he bounces around like popcorn.

Bobby doesn't use the slide too often, but today tried it out...until he came to a puddle of water at the bottom.

With all of the play things that we have put on Bobby's playground, nothing, and I mean nothing, entertains him like the woods that line our yard.  Daddy has made some paths in the woods for Bobby and he wanders around the paths to find the perfect place to sit and watch.  I would give anything to get inside that mind while he is sitting there to see exactly what he is watching. 

Now that I am sitting here thinking about it, the woods are costing us way, way more than the play unit, so....Good Job Bobby!!! Making sure that the extra land is being put to good use.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

It's all relative

Bobby survived another family reunion weekend.  The fun started on Friday when Kaitlin and her boyfriend Aaron came to visit from North Carolina.  Grandma Carolyn came over when she got off of work and we had a big pasta dinner.  Saturday, Uncle Tom and Tiffani drove in from Virginia to join the festivities.  Uncle Chris, Aunt Tiffany, Brenalin and Kineli also came over to visit since everyone else was in town.

 Bobby starts getting a little anxious when this many people are around.  He needed a lot of outside breaks and even got into the swimming pool to have a break away from everyone-the pool was only 70 degrees and it was only about 70 outside.  But he didn't care, he stayed in the water for about 15 minutes.

Bobby actually got on his battery powered 4 wheeler that he has had for 2 years and rode it across the yard a couple of times.  But since he didn't know how to stop, he had a couple of "fender benders".  We were just so excited that he was riding!!  Brenalin also got on and was riding like a pro until she had a fender bender and then was all done with the 4 wheeler!!

The actual reunion was on Sunday at Hough Park in Mannington.  Bobby was not interested in the people, food, or planned activities, but was extremely interested in running around the playground area and sitting by the creek playing in the dirt.

Bobby's cousin Brant tried to get Bobby to play with him and feed the ducks, but Bobby was too interested in playing in the dirt.  Brant finally just got into the dirt with him!!

Bobby enjoyed sitting on top of the sliding boards because he could see over all of the park and the pool. It was cool and rainy, but that didn't stop Bobby from the playground.

We stayed for about 1 1/2 hours and left when Mommy and Daddy were too tired from keeping up with Bobby on the playground. Bobby came home, put on his headphones to watch a DVD and ate some popcorn.  Back to our normal rountine.