Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Home playground

Since it can be extremely difficult to take Bobby to a public playground and we are fortunate enough to have a multiple acre yard, Bob has basically put in a playground at home for Bobby.  He has had the swingset play unit since he was 2 and has finally started spending some time playing on, well mostly the glider.

The funny thing about the glider, it is the only part of the playground that was given to us.  Of course, the free addition is Bobby's favorite thing!!  We thought that Bobby would just love the dome shaped climber in the back of the picture since Bobby loves angles and shapes, but he has only spent about 2 minutes total climbing on it in the 3 years that it has been on the playground. 

Bobby has started sitting on the swings, but will not let you push him. 

Bobby spends a lot of time on his indoor trampoline, but does get into his outdoor trampoline, especially if someone goes in with him.  He is a JUMPER!!  Recently he has decided that he likes to sit in the middle of the trampoline and let others jump and he bounces around like popcorn.

Bobby doesn't use the slide too often, but today tried it out...until he came to a puddle of water at the bottom.

With all of the play things that we have put on Bobby's playground, nothing, and I mean nothing, entertains him like the woods that line our yard.  Daddy has made some paths in the woods for Bobby and he wanders around the paths to find the perfect place to sit and watch.  I would give anything to get inside that mind while he is sitting there to see exactly what he is watching. 

Now that I am sitting here thinking about it, the woods are costing us way, way more than the play unit, so....Good Job Bobby!!! Making sure that the extra land is being put to good use.

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