Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Monday, October 31, 2011

The Dentist, Halloween and Thanksgiving Decor

What a way to start a Monday morning...Bobby had a dentist appointment at 7:45am so that he would have the first appt of the day and could still make it to school on time.  Taking Bobby to the dentist is one of those things that I would rather never do again and dread with a passion.  When we got into the exam room (which does not have a regular dentist chair and no little sink, it instead has a chaise like chair for special needs) we had to wait a few minutes for the dentist.  The hygentist got out a little mirror and toothbrush and set them out to get ready for the exam.  Bobby ran over and picked up the little mirror and stuck it into his mouth.  The hygentist said it was no big deal, so I decided to practice with Bobby before the dentist arrived.

I had Bobby sit down on the chair and put his feet in front and I put the mirror into his mouth.  He took a little break and I looked again, break, look...By the time the dentist came in, we were still practicing, so she took over and Bobby sat on the chair independently while she looked in his mouth.  He again took some breaks with her, but came back to the chair with verbal prompts.  It wasn't perfect by any means, but it was much, much better than every previous time when I sat on the chair and he sat on my lap while I wrapped my arms and legs around him. 

The dentist just checks his teeth, doesn't clean them.  When it does come time to have them cleaned, we will have to sedate him.  Amazingly enough Bobby doesn't have any buildup, decay, or cavities.  Which is crazy to me because he doesn't let me brush them well at all!!

We managed to get Bobby to school on time after the dentist appointment.  Poor kid didn't even get to miss a few minutes of school.

When Bobby got home from school, he plopped his backpack up onto the kitchen island, unzipped it and pulled out a surprise...
In the 4 and a half years that he has been carrying a backpack to school, he has never acknowledged it when he arrives home.  He puts it on his cubbie and doesn't touch again until the next morning when I tell him to get his backpack as we are leaving for school.  I am not sure what attracted him to this artwork.  Did he actually do some of the work on it, is he excited that it is a placemat and he has a new love of placemats, does he like the colors???  But then it came to me...
He could not wait to tear it apart!!!

We decided not to take Bobby trick or treating tonight.  After all, it was more about Bob and me than Bobby.  He does not eat candy and we really do not need any more junk in this house.  He didn't want to put on his costume.  So we did the next best thing...Mommy made his favorite dinner, homemade french fries and his new favorite, popcorn shrimp. 

Bobby went upstairs to play in his room and was playing so nicely, didn't even know he was there.  When the kitchen was cleaned up, I went to check on him and this is what I found...
He dumped out all of the clothes that I had neatly organized in a wire drawer organizer.  Someone has given us hand me down clothes and I had each drawer organized by long sleeve, short sleeve, shorts, pants, etc.  But Bobby had other plans for the wire drawers...
Why didn't I think to decorate his room with an upside down rocking chair and a row of lined up wire baskets?? 

To quote Bobby (who is quoting Jack from Jack's Big Music Show), "Whaaaattttt A Day!!!"  It's time to go put on my PJs and go lay down!!! 

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween Party 2011

Today was our 3rd annual Halloween party for the kids from our usual playgroup.  As I was preparing the food and setting up, Bobby took me by the hand into the dining room and put my hand onto the hutch as if he was saying, "Hey Mom, you know that I like to eat with the good dishes at the dining room table!!"  I had to let him down this time.  A party for 4 kids with autism and 2 younger siblings didn't seem like the best time to have a "formal" sit down meal in the dining room.  Sorry Bobby, next time!!!
Doesn't really scream "formal dinner" now, does it??  So the kids had to sit at the kitchen table and eat their pizza and chips off of paper plates...

Isabella, Andrew and Joey eating pizza, chips and cookies. 

Bobby ate his pizza before the kids came over so that he would actually sit and eat and not just eat chips and cookies throughout the whole party. 

Bobby didn't wear his costume, but did wear his Batman pj bottoms and a Steelers shirt in honor of the new Batman movie being filmed in Pittsburgh.

 Last year we learned that the kids have zero interest in decorating pumpkins. We didn't have them carve the pumpkins, all that they had to do was stick on pre-cut decorations and still the moms ended up with the activity. No pumpkin decorating this year!!  We did, however, play some new games and all of the kids participated, like it or not.  You will have to check out my friend Noelle's blog for much better pictures of the kids playing (she was the official photographer of the party). 
Noelle helping Natalie throw the bean bag through the pumkin mouth.

Princess Isabella taking her turn, while Sonny enjoy a movie from the couch.

Ninja Joey was busy showing off his ninja moves in the trampoline.

Inviting a group of people over is not high on the list of Bobby's favorite things so we keep our guest list very limited and try to keep the same group of kids so that Bobby knows who and what to expect.  Bobby also does not participate in games or activities unless I make him.  We had the perfect opportunity to use some of the techniques that Bobby is learning in his ABA therapy to take his turn and play a game.  He did better than I had anticipated...

(I'll try again tomorrow morning to upload the video clip, too tired to wait tonight!!)

When it was time to leave, Joey and Isabella hugged good-bye...
I love seeing these two kids together and hope that they remain friends throughout their entire lives because they share one commonality that will be huge in their lives, they both have siblings who have autism.  I know how important it is for me in my life to have mom friends who also have children with autism, they just "get it" and we don't have to explain our feelings, we just know. 

Saturday, October 29, 2011

First Snow Of The Season

When we woke up this morning we found something very exciting for Bobby...snow.  The first snow of the season.  Yes, he remembered how much he loves it.  He could not stop watching out of the windows.
Then he got an idea!!  If I put my boots on, they'll have to take me outside!!!
But no luck, Mommy wouldn't take him outside at 8 am.  So back to look out from the windows...
The poor scarecrow is getting cold.  Bbrrrrrr.
After a big country breakfast (a snowy Saturday morning must have), we got Bobby dressed in his snow gear and Daddy took him outside to play.
I went to the Farmer's Almanac website, which I had never done before, and looked up the winter forecast for Morgantown.  It says that it is going to be a normal winter, with the most snow being in late November and late December, just in time for school vacations and the holidays.  So we will have to wait and see how their predicitions hold true. 

Friday, October 28, 2011

Obi-Wan Kenobi Was A No Show

The school Halloween parade and class parties were today, and Bobby was not interested.  He took his costume off as soon as his teachers put it on him multiple times so we all decided not to make him suffer.  He did, however, wear a fireman's hat that his teacher put on him and left it on.  So, Bobby was a fireman for the Halloween parade.  Another problem, they had to stand and wait in the hallway until his class's time to march through the gym.  Well, waiting is NOT Bobby's strong point.  He walked one lap around the gym with his teacher and they walked out while the rest of the class did one more lap. 

I didn't manage to get any good pictures of the kids in the parade...
Bobby and Ms. Kim
Sonny and Ms. Deb
Joey (he didn't get to be in the parade since Pre-K doesn't have school on Friday)

Bobby dismissal time is 2:30 and the Halloween parade started at 2:15, so it was time to leave after the parade (he had no interest in the class party),  I told him that we would stop on the way home from school and have a "party" that he would love.  We stopped at McDonalds, Bobby's favorite place to eat.  There was no one else in there eating, so we went in instead of the drive thru.  Bobby pulled me to the potty.  He had to pee, and pee badly.  Me:  "Bobby, why didn't you tell your teachers you had to potty?"  Not sure if the parade would have turned out differently.  I did pray and thank God that he didn't pee himself in the gym full of kids and parents.  (Thanks again!!).  

We did have major success at McDonalds!!!!  Bobby stood very well with me (holding my hand) while I ordered.  It was taking the clerk an extremely long time to get our food.  I decided to take Bobby to a table and sit down and he stayed put while I went back to the front the get straws and napkins...
He stayed there longer while I went back up and got our order.  In Bobby's world, this is HUGE.  We haven't been able to let go of his hand for a second without him running off. 

I tested him even further since the place was almost empty (which never happens).  I sat across the table from him instead of trapping him on the inside of the booth.  Funny thing happened...
he sat there and ate like a big boy!!!
He sat and ate all of his food and drank all of his milk.  We put his coat on and cleaned up the table and walked to the car, hand in hand.  The drive thru became full while we were getting ready to leave and I didn't trust him in a full parking lot. 

In our lives, it is much, much, much more a success that Bobby sat in a restaurant independently than whether or not he put on a Halloween costume.  Even though I was a little bummed when we left the school, I was estatic when we got home!!!  Maybe, Obi-Wan Kenobi will make appearances in the next few days.  Keeping our fingers crossed!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Heaven Sent Day

When we pulled into the garage after getting home from school, it was too perfect of a day to make Bobby go inside, it would have been cruel and unusual punishment.  So Daddy stayed outside with him while I took our things in, grabbed my camera and joined them outside.  Bob was working on something in the garage so I followed after Bobby.  He, of couse, went staight into the wooded area of our yard.  He found his spot and sat down...
He stayed seated in this one spot for about 45 minutes.  Those who really know Bobby know that he doesn't stay in the same spot for 45 seconds let alone minutes.  It was perfect sensory stimulation for this sensory seeker boy.  The wind was blowing slightly to where you could hear it whirling the leaves and feel it on your skin, especially your face.  The smell was the perfect autumn aroma.  Most importantly, the visual aspect was awesome!!  He sat there longer...
You have probably noticed that he is looking up in every picture.  He found the perfect spot in the yard where the green, yellow, orange, red and brown all mingle together.  Bobby sat for almost an hour and looked at this view...
Funny thing is that most of the trees in our area are already bare since we had a wind storm that lasted for two days and we have had multiple rain storms.  For sore reason the trees around our house are still in full color.  It's like God said, "Alright Bobby, I know that you will truly appreciate the beauty of nature, so you get an extra week!!"

"Thanks God"...

Alright, now time to go eat...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Jumping For Joy

This weeks Tiny Tykes triathalon activity---tumbling at the WV Gymnastics Center.  Paradise for a jumper like Bobby!!
This area is the favorite of all of the kids.  It is a long trampoline walkway that ends in a foam pit.  The kids jump up and down the isle and jump off the end.  Bobby, however, stops.  He found a new game...his WVU helper would pick up a foam block and he would hit it into the pit.
I had the male helper pick up Bobby and throw him in the pit.  I know...horrible mom!!
Bobby's friend and classmate, Sonny, loves the foam pit...
Joey was perched high wanting to jump.  I'm not sure if they let him or not...
No activity next Monday since it is Halloween, but ice skating the Monday after!!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Leaves, Christmas and Sunday Dinner

Bobby is getting ready for the holiday season to begin, starting with his favorite movie of all time, Elmo's World Happy Holidays...
Bobby was saying some of the words outloud from the movie..."Santa Clause", "jingle bells"...Hoping that this is the year that he finally "gets" Christmas.  Bobby then went downstairs where Daddy was working and got something out of the storage room since Daddy had it opened...
He drug out a pencil tree that goes on our front porch during the holidays and plugged it in.  He knows what time of year is coming up!!

We went out and played in the leaves today.  Boy, when I started raking, the smell instantly reminded me of my childhood jumping in the leaves myself.

After playing outside, it was time to come in and get ready for dinner.  My mom had called me earlier and I invited my mom and my Aunt Dianna over for dinner.  For some reason, when we eat in the dining room Bobby sits so much better than when we have meals at the kitchen table.  I started setting the table and Bobby, once again, came in and sit down to wait for mealtime.  I began getting out the extras for the table and prepared for a proper Sunday dinner, even though it was only Saturday.  Bobby was more than excited when I put water glasses (in wine glasses) at each setting and even though his was in a cup, he sat and drank.
Funny Face!!

Finally everyone is sitting and eating, except for me, I am again taking a picture.  He wouldn't try any new foods but did enjoy his chicken nuggets.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Week Is OVER!!

I had been dreading this week for a while.  It's was one of those when you saw it written on the calender that made you feel uuuuggghhhhh!!  I only volunteer for one thing at Bobby's school, the book fair and it was this week.  For 4 days I was in the school library, hiding out from Bobby so that he would not know that I was there, helping kids make their wish lists and then selling, selling, selling childrens books.  I love books, so it can be fun.

The worst day was Thursday...We left school at 1:55 because Bobby had Occupational Therapy at 2, then home to get a 20 minute break before we had to go to the doctor for a well-child check at 4, straight home with another 20 minute break before in home therapy at 5:30.  When Kathleen walked through the door, Bobby was not was like "Mom, really," and I felt the same way.  To top it off it was cold and raining.  We also had an IEP, swimming, therapies....

But it is finally Saturday morning, we made it!!!!!  The only picture I have from this week is from crazy hair day at school...
I realize that in the picture it doesn't look much different than every other day, but it was spiked even in back.

I downloaded some pictures from very old emails the other day and came across some fun pictures from a few years ago when we took Bobby to visit Grandma Carolyn at work on a Saturday.  Obviously, from Bobby's outfit, it was pants optional Saturday...
You can see better if you stand in the chair.
"Grandma, quit hogging the chair!!"
"Who organized this book??  This will never do!!"