Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Saturday, October 29, 2011

First Snow Of The Season

When we woke up this morning we found something very exciting for Bobby...snow.  The first snow of the season.  Yes, he remembered how much he loves it.  He could not stop watching out of the windows.
Then he got an idea!!  If I put my boots on, they'll have to take me outside!!!
But no luck, Mommy wouldn't take him outside at 8 am.  So back to look out from the windows...
The poor scarecrow is getting cold.  Bbrrrrrr.
After a big country breakfast (a snowy Saturday morning must have), we got Bobby dressed in his snow gear and Daddy took him outside to play.
I went to the Farmer's Almanac website, which I had never done before, and looked up the winter forecast for Morgantown.  It says that it is going to be a normal winter, with the most snow being in late November and late December, just in time for school vacations and the holidays.  So we will have to wait and see how their predicitions hold true. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow it's beautiful!!! I haven't seen real snow in years. I hope you guys have a fireplace, some warm socks, and some hot cocoa! :)
