Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Culinary Treat

I thought that I would write a post in honor of one of my niece's blogs.  She is a 26 year old American girl living in Dubai and attempting to cook all of the things and try different foods.  She takes pictures of each step of her cooking quests, shows all of the ingredients and finally the finished product all while telling the story of her cooking adventure.  Recently she posted about a cooking class that she took at Nobu where she was learning to make sushi.   So I started thinking...what culinary delight am I going to make for my food blog post. 

It finally hit me.  I was going to try something new!!  I saw a celebrity on TV making a dish that I knew that Bob would love.  That's it, I am going to recreate a dish made by a celebrity on national TV this week, now that's classy!!!  Well, the celebrity was Larry the Cable Guy and he made "Beanie Weenie Casserole."  So I channeled my inner Redneck and started to get to work. 

Bob actually called me from work when I was just getting started and told him what we were having for dinner and he was beyond excited.  This is no lie, he called me a few minutes later and said that he invited his boss over for dinner to try the Beanie Weenie casserole.  Are you kidding me???  Talk about channeling your inner redneck!!!

I opted to use my own beanie weenie receipe instead of the one that Larry used, yes, I have my own beanie weenie receipe-just like mom used to make!!  Dice half on a green pepper and half of an onion and saute in a small amount of oil all with the hot dogs cut up into bit size pieces until the hot dogs are slightly browned.
Just wanted to show that Zoi is always very close by when it comes to cooking time...
When the hot dogs are browned, it is time to add the beanie part to the dish.  I added baked beans (I used Bush's Homestyle), about 1/3 C ketchup, 1/4 C brown sugar, 1 tbsp ground mustard.
Mix until combined and heat through...
Larry put this mixture into a greased 9x13 baking dish, but I was so excited...I used my new individual baking dishes that I bought this weekend at the Fiesta outlet. 
Now here is where the magic happens and the casserole is added!!  Can you stand the anticipation??!!
Jiffy Corn Muffin Mix is added to the top!!  Bobby helped me mix the corn muffins....
We mixed the corn muffins according to the package directions.  Then pour over the bean mixture.
Bake it at 350 degrees for 30 minutes (individual size) or 45 minutes (9x13) until golden brown.  Luckily Bob made it home a few minutes before his boss came over, so I had him sit at the table with his dinner treat for a picture so that we would not look like big ol' nerds in front of his boss.  But then again, this is a man who drove out of his way before he went home to try Beanie Weenie casserole.   
I even gave him a drink in a mason jar so that we could go all out redneck!!  Bon Appetite!!

1 comment:

  1. Awww! I just saw this post and absolutely love it! :D It's so nice to see your kitchen and this is definitely not a recipe I would have thought to make! Sounds yummy!

    Thanks for mentioning me, you're so sweet! :)
