Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Thursday, October 6, 2011

The One Time That Autism Comes In Handy

Last Monday I pulled my back out of whack and was out of commission all week.  Started feeling a little better on Sunday (Mimi's Birthday party day) and then Monday, wham, a severe cold, flu, or something and I was again out for a few more days.  The timing could not have been worse since there was no school on Monday and Tuesday this week and Bobby was home with me all day.  As most moms know, there is no laying on the couch all day when you have kids.  Unless your child is Bobby, who can entertain himself all day long.

He was GREAT!!  He knew something was out of the ordinary, after all, Mommy doesn't lay around all day.  99.9% of the time I detest Bobby's autism and the fact that he would rather be left alone, but this time it helped Mommy out tremendously.  I never once heard, "Mommy, I'm bored, play with me,"  words that I crave every other day.  He let me lay on the couch and feel awful.  He even went upstairs and came back down dressed...

Neither one of us cared that it was Mommy's shirt and that it was on backwards. 

Since he was so good, I made myself get up and take him to the first night of Tiny Tykes Triathalon at Stepping Stones.  I got up, got dressed and off we went...

Gymnasiums are not Bobby's favorite places.  Not sure why, but he doesn't care for them, at Stepping Stones or at school.  He kept trying to leave the gym and run down the hall towards the pool.  After 15 minutes of chasing him around, I said "Do you want to go home?" and he repeated "home" and off we went.  I got to go lay back down on the couch.  Whoo Hoo!!

He again entertained himself all day Tuesday.  I started feeling guilty about just how many videos he was watching, he even started watching two at once...
but sometimes a Mom's gotta do what a Mom's gotta do!!

He even got his own meals...
an apple, triscuits and juice (could be MUCH worse)!!

I am feeling like a member of the human race again, Bobby is back to school, Kathleen came over and worked with him this evening, the rain stopped and the temperature rose.  All is right with the world again.  I also thought of one more time that autism comes in handy...

When telemarketers call and want money!!  Me: "I have a child with autism, we don't have extra money to give you!!"   Confess autism mom friends, I know that you use this too!!!!

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