Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Hello 3rd Graders

Hello Mrs. Jaggie's 3rd grade class.  Since Bobby is joining your class a little more this year and he can't really tell you about himself, I thought that I would jump in and give him a hand.

Oh, by the way, this is Bobby's Mom, Mrs. Smith.  I have met most of you over the past few years when I have helped you pick out books at your Scholastic Book Fairs.  I'm sure that I will see you again in the library this year when Book Fair time rolls around.


This is our house. Thankfully we have a very big yard because Bobby loves to play outside.  Bobby doesn't have any brothers or sisters, but he does have a dog.
Here's a picture of his dog, Zoi, she is a Golden Pyrenees.
Bobby likes to do many of the same things that most kids like to do.  His absolute favorite thing in the world to do is ride our Yamaha Rhino with his Dad.  Sometimes they take the Rhino and go on day trips where they ride for hours.  Other times they just ride around in the woods that surround our house.  Here they are on a riding trip they took to Burning Rock Outdoor Park in southern West Virginia.
Yes, they both got extremely dirty, but I didn't mind washing their clothes because they had such a great time.
Bobby's second favorite thing to do is go swimming.  We have a pool at our house for Bobby and he spends a lot of time there during the summer.
This summer Bobby learned how to swim, so he spent some time swimming in the deep end of Krepps Pool and even learned how to jump off of the diving board.
We also discovered that Bobby likes the beach, so we took him to Deep Creek Lake beach a few times over the summer.
Next on the list of Bobby's favorite things to do is jumping.  Bobby has an outdoor and an indoor trampoline that he uses often.
He actually jumps on his indoor trampoline so much that he broke the springs and we had to get him a new one.
Bobby and I like to take walks on all of the local rail trails.  Some of our favorite places to walk are the Wharf District Rail Trail...
The walking trails at White Park...
The Decker's Creek trails...
And the walking trail at Prickett's Fort....
Bobby also likes to get out and play at some of the local playgrounds.  The Cheat Lake playground is his favorite because he can look out over the lake while he climbs and slides.
The playground on the Wharf District rail trail is also one of his favorites...

Sometimes Bobby likes to play differently than most other kids.  He really likes to watch things fall in front of his eyes, it's called "Visual Stimulation."  Here Bobby is playing with the garden hose. Instead of spraying himself or someone else, he prefers to spray the water in the air close to his face and watch it fall.
For some reason watching the water like this is very calming to Bobby.  You may have even seen him playing in the mulch on the playground and dropping it in front of his eyes. I wish that I could tell you why Bobby finds these activities calming, but I honestly don't know.  Here he is watching moon sand fall in front of his eyes.
There is also another way that Bobby likes to play that most kids do not, he likes to line things up.  He likes to line up groups of things that are the same.  Here is a picture of some red Solo cups that Bobby lined up along our kitchen counter tops.
He often gathers up some of his toys, brings them to the kitchen and lines them along the counters in a way that the typical person would not even think to do.
Why does Bobby like to play this way?  Why does Bobby only spend a small part of his school day with the rest of his class?  You may already know the answer to these questions, but I'm going to tell you anyway.  Bobby has Autism Spectrum Disorder, generally just called autism.  I am not sure how much you know about autism, but I have added a handout that is full of great information.

You also already know that Bobby doesn't talk like the rest of the kids talk.  His verbal skills are developing much more slowly than most kids.  However, he works very hard everyday on his talking skills.  Bobby also makes some "eeee" sounds, even when it is time to be quiet.  He doesn't do this on purpose or because he is being bad.  We are working with him every day so that he can hopefully learn to control making this sound.  These verbal problems that Bobby has are because of his autism. However, not all people with autism make sounds or have problems talking.

If you have ever wondered where Bobby spends the rest of his school day when he is not with you, well he spends it in Mrs. Wasserman's classroom.  Mrs. Wasserman works with Bobby individually, because it is hard for Bobby to concentrate when there are a lot of people around and because he is working on different types of school work.
Bobby also leaves school early everyday around 2:00.  But don't be jealous that he gets to go home early and play.  Instead of going home, he goes and gets individual tutoring with a specialist who works with people with autism.
I hope that if any of you have ANY questions about Bobby and/or autism that you feel free to ask Mrs. Jaggie, Mrs. Wasserman or Ms. Deb.  I would also be more than happy to answer any questions that you might have, these teachers know how to get in touch with me for my answers.

Thank you for taking some time out of your day to learn a little bit about Bobby.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A Quick, Little Funny

Bobby was working on vocabulary words in therapy today.  His therapist recently added some new flash cards which Bobby has only seen 2-3 times.  When she presented this card....
his response was....."Crayoffs."  Yep, pretty sure that this is my new favorite word!!!!

Monday, August 19, 2013

Hello 3rd Grade!!

7:10 am----Bobby wake up, you have to go to school today!
7:15 am----Bobby GET UP, you have to go to school today!!
7:20 am----BOBBY, come on, you have to have a bath, GET UP!!
I wonder why on Saturday and Sunday's he gets up all by himself around 6:00 am?????

7:25---he is finally in the bathtub!!
7:26---Bobby:  "Miss Kim....Miss Kim...Miss Kim...Miss Kim....Miss Kim..."
           Me:  "Yes, you are going to go to school and see Miss Kim."
7:27-8:05------Bobby:  "Miss Kim...Miss Kim...Miss Kim...."
                        Me (in my head):   I should have let him sleep until time to get into the car!!
 He stopped saying "Miss Kim" long enough to eat his toast and bacon.  However, immediately after he ate, he found the shirt that he wore the day before, put it on and got his backpack on...he was ready for school!!  Too bad that he still had 20 minutes until time to leave!!
 Go watch Nick Jr. while you wait!!  It was finally time to get dressed in clean clothes and get his backpack on so that we could have a little photo shoot before we got into the car.  Too bad for Mommy, Little Bill is coming on, so Bobby needed to go watch the opening...

 I made him go outside to the front porch to get a couple of pictures.  Too bad that it was only about 50 degrees with dense fog, not optimal conditions for an morning photo session.

 Time to go get in the car....
 Guess what I heard for the entire ride to school......."Miss Kim...Miss Kim....Miss Kim...."  Yes Bobby, you are going to go to see Miss Kim!!!!
 Yay Bobby!!!  We made it too school!!  Now wait here for a minute...
 Finally....MISS KIM!!!!  Give her a hug!!
 Bobby finally reunited with Ms. Kim....
 We also ran into Sonny, so I got a picture of him with Ms. Kim and Ms. Deb....
 I walked to the classroom with Bobby so that Ms. Kim and I could catch up on Bobby's summer progress.  Bobby immediately put his backpack away and went over to his computer, turned it on and got to work checking out all of the programs that he loves that he missed this summer!!

Ahhhhhhhh, all is right again in Bobby's World.  He is back to school and has his Miss Kim!!!!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

"Take A Bath"

After dinner last night, I was clearing the table while Grandma Carolyn was rinsing off the dishes and loading them into the dishwasher.  Bobby came into the kitchen and got in front of Grandma.  He was trying to get something off of the window ledge which is right above the sink.  He finally said, "take a bath."  "You want to take a bath?" I replied to him.  "Take a bath" he said again.  So I grabbed the bottle of shampoo/body wash off of the kitchen window ledge and took him upstairs to take a bath while Grandma finished cleaning up the dinner dishes.

Bobby used to love to take baths....actually, he loved bubble baths.  I always had to put a beach towel out on the bathroom floor to aide in the cleanup process after he got out of his bath that typically lasted around 30 minutes.  I found it just so much easier to wipe the floor, the wall by the tub and the actual tub with a beach towel so that we could have a completely dry bath towel to dry Bobby.

However, starting sometime last spring, he stopped using baths as a play place.  I have just gotten used to Bobby getting into the bathtub, helping me wash his hair and his body and then getting right out and the whole process lasting less than 5 minutes.  Many times this summer I have asked him, "Don't you want to stay and play in the water?"  I just assumed that he was getting enough sensory needs taken care of with swimming even though he hasn't been swimming much this summer because of all of the rain.

On the way up the stairs to take a bath, I knew that this was going to be a long bubble bath where he played and got water all over the bathroom....and I knew exactly why!!!  Bobby has used Baby Aveeno shampoo/body wash almost exclusively his whole life.  Every so often I would try a new body wash but it would immediately break his skin out and I would go back to his Baby Aveeno because he didn't have any reaction to this wash.  Last spring I tried another new one, this time a much cheaper product, Suave sensitive for kids that doesn't contain any dyes.  Yay, it didn't break him out and it is only around $2 a bottle!!!

The long baths stopped around the time he started playing outside longer in the evening, so I just assumed that he would play in the bathtub when he wanted and wasn't concerned about it at all.  In fact these long bath time play session are a double edged sword...they are nice as part of his bed time routine and calming, but I have to stay in sight of the bathroom for half an hour and have a mess to clean.

For some reason, when I went to the grocery store yesterday, I purchased Baby Aveeno instead of Suave.  I sat it on the kitchen window ledge so that I could take it with me upstairs later on in the day. Bobby was excited to see his favorite soap back into his life and couldn't wait to go take a bath.

When we got to the bathroom he was literally jumping for joy while waiting for me to get the bath water running.  He immediately got into the bubble bath, helped me wash his hair and body, and then played happily for 30 minutes of water flying fun!!!  Yes, I had to get out a beach towel, protect the floor from all of the water and went back to my normal routine of putting things away in his bedroom which is directly across the hall from his bathroom.

When he let the water out, his signal that he is all done, I went in and helped him dry off and put on his pj's and then I wiped up the floor, the front of the tub and the wall by the bathtub.  Bobby then said, "Jeopardy."  Ok Buddy, but you have to wait about 5 more minutes until it comes on.  As I was combing his hair, I have to admit that I was happy too....he smelled like my baby boy again.  Funny how scents can take us back to a memory.

When he is in high school and all of the other boys want to smell like Axe body products, my sweet boy will still want to smell like his Baby Aveeno.
Here's a squeaky clean Bobby after his bath.  Aren't you proud of me for not taking any pictures of the actual bath!!!  Honestly I wasn't even tempted.  Sad when kids are too big anymore for bath time pictures.  Plus, his new school shoes came a couple of days ago and they fit me!!  STOP GROWING UP SO FAST!!!!

We did have another success yesterday evening.  Bobby ate a piece of Mommy's homemade banana bread with 4 real bananas smashed up inside the loaf.  Surely this counts as a fruit doesn't it??!!!  I see banana bread as the new birthday cake in this family!!!

Friday, August 9, 2013

A Week's Worth of Behavioral Therapy

School starts next week and I have discovered that the easiest way for his teachers and school therapists to catch up on what Bobby has been working on in ABA (applied behavioral analysis) over the summer is to videotape his therapy sessions so that they can see first hand.  This idea started when his speech therapist was trying to figure out a time when she could come and see one of his sessions, but her schedule just wouldn't allow this, so videotaping was the solution.  When I took in the tape, everyone that works with him wanted to watch it and they found it extremely helpful.

Bobby has been working on quite a few new things in therapy so I took my camera everyday this week to make sure that I got everything new on tape.  I would love to share the videos here, especially the ones of Bobby reading, but they are just too long.  I am, however, going to share the candid pictures that I took of Bobby on his breaks....just because they make me laugh.

Such an odd angle

Trying to figure out how to get out the window and over to the McDonald's!

He thinks that he is a cat...batting the ball between his paws.

Another odd angle

All of this hard work makes a boy thirsty

He did something that he has never done before when we walked into the waiting room....he laid down on the couch instead of going over to the toy area to play.

He finally had to go into the therapy room and get to work.  He did get a break....
Not even sure what the heck is going on here!!

Finally Thursday....
Why yes that is a bowl of french fries from home.  It was lunchtime.
Don't you bring bowls of french fries everywhere you go too?
Yes, he does actually do some work while he's there...

Something is happening for the next six days!!!  Well, more specifically, something is NOT happening for the next six days......Bobby has ZERO appointments scheduled!!!  No therapy or anything else but fun planned for the next six days and then....SCHOOL STARTS!!  To top if off, when Bob gets home from work today he will be on vacation for a week!!  Honestly we haven't had six days of no appointments since Christmas break when Bobby had the flu and we had to cancel his appointments. Funny thing is....Bobby has been asking for "school bus" and "Ms. Kim" for days now.  Hopefully the rain will go away and we can plan some super fun activities.