Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Mimi

Many times when you hear Mimi, you expect it to be a name for Grandma, but not so in this case.  Mimi is my Aunt (my Mom's sister) and Bobby's "Grand" Aunt.  We invited her over for a birthday dinner to celebrate her 60th.  I took Bobby with me to the grocery store this morning to get a couple of more items for the birthday dinner.  Bobby was awesome in the store (which is not always the case, to put it mildly!!).  He picked out a few bags of croutons and threw them into the back of the cart, which made me excited, because he doesn't generally show an interest in items in the store and I know that he will eat the croutons (they are one of his favorite snacks). 

I led him into the cake isle because I needed birthday candles.  I told him to pick out which candles he wanted and he actually picked out a pack and threw them into the cart.  I was holding his hand and backing up the cart to move onto the next isle, when Bobby pulled me back.  He picked up a small container of sprinkles, looked at them, put them back and then picked up another type of spinkle, looked at it and threw it into the cart.  So, I guess he wanted Mimi to have sprinkles on her birthday cake!!!  I was more than happy to buy Bobby the chosen sprinkles.

When we got home, Bobby helped me mix the ingredients for the cake batter.  He did a great job and needed only minimal direction since he is a seasoned professional....

Bob took Bobby for a ride while I iced the cake and assembled a lasagna.  When he came back he made a special birthday sculpture (or he played with his wooden blocks and mega blocks on the kitchen table-you decide)...
After I got out the "good" plates and bowls from the hutch in the dining room, Bobby knew that we were having a special meal in the dining room and he wanted to make sure that he got a good seat...
He stayed in his seat and ate while I continued to get things ready....
And eventually, the party began...
When it was time to blow out the candles on the birthday cake, you know who had to get in on the action...
Even though he picked out the sprinkles and the candles, it wasn't enough to get Bobby to actually take a bite of the cake!!  Bobby did a great job at the party, a group of 6 seems to be a good size gathering for him.  If it were up to me, I would invite a housefull of people to celebrate every occasion, but for now at least, we do it Bobby's way!!

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