Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Great Family Weekend

Crowds of people decended on Morgantown this weekend for the big game, but we managed to stay home all weekend!!  Yeah us!!!  Since the weather was great, we were outside most of the weekend, we went "camping" in our yard.  By "camping," I mean we played in the woods, ate one meal outside and the boys rode around in the Rhino.  My favorite thing about this type of "camping" is that our house is 100 yards away.  I don't have to pack/unpack twice, we can use our own bathrooms, I can prepare meals with no more hassel than usual, and the most important part, Bobby's rountine can stay pretty much the same.
Bobby managed to wear the same pajama pants and t-shirt for 2 days of playing in the dirt.  He had to take them off before he was allowed back into the house. 
Bob likes to joke that he went fishing and this is what he caught at the end of the pole...
If we let Zoi off of the leash, she is off into the woods like a bolt of lightening.  She comes back, soaking wet in black sludge, full of briars and smelling bad.  So, like it or not, she stays right with us...
After playing in the dirt again, Bobby took a cookie break...
After 2 long days of playing outside, we came in and I cooked a big Sunday dinner and Grandma Carolyn came to eat with us.  Nothing says Sunday dinner like roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy,  green beans and warm bread with real butter melted on it....Yum-O!!  Bobby always enjoys his grandma's company...
Now that it is Sunday evening, we are preparing to get back into the work week.  Bob's work vacation is over and he has to go back to work tomorrow, Bobby is bathed and watching Elmo to get ready for "nighty night", and I have to go pick out school clothes and make sure Bobby's backpack is ready to go.

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