Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Friday, September 16, 2011

iPad War

Since school has started and the pool is closed, we are back into our school year evening routing.  Bobby is again asking for "Jeopardy" and Bob and I relax on the couch with him.  Bob and I try to be the first one to get our hands on the iPad to play with while Bobby is watching his show and if either of us sit it down for a second the other one grabs it.  Now Bobby just takes it out of our hands when he wants it, which is getting to be all of the time. 

Bobby took the iPad to Zoi's bed and built a pillow fort around him.

Bob and I both let Bobby have the device when he takes it from us, after all, it is his.  Now that Bob and I are used to surfing the net and playing games with touch screen capability, neither one us want to get out the laptop-it seems like such a chore.  The Smith family loves the iPad!!!!!

Bobby took the iPad and went to bed!!

I still use the laptop when I have a lot of typing to do, such as blogging, but 90% of the time, it's all iPad.

Bobby likes to move the cards around in solitare (he doesn't know how to play the game).

Now, I don't want you to think that Bobby is spending all of his time on the iPad playing educational apps, because he is not.  His favorite is the Laurie Berkner app.  He likes to watch his favorite music videos and listen to his favorite Laurie songs.

He will only do the educational apps when he is made to sit down and work.  The rest of the time is fun, just like most kids. 
Breakfast time before school-complete with iPad.

I have read a lot of things about the iPad and different apps on Facebook and other websites.  One thing that has been talked about often, if anyone is thinking about getting one for their kids, the 1st generation iPad is holding up much better with children.  Many are complaining about their iPad2 breaking in no time.  These parents are often ones who have the iPad and iPad2.  We haven't had any trouble with ours (which is 1st generation) and Bobby is not what you would call gentle with it!!!

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