Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Mommy's Birthday Weekend

Saturday was my birthday.  Bobby gave me a great gift Saturday morning, he slept until 7:30 am so we all got a good night sleep.  Grandma brought over a small cheescake and mini cupcakes so that I could blow out my birthday candles before she took Bobby home to spend the night with her (thank you Mom) so that Bob and I could go out for my birthday.  Bobby had other ideas when it came time to who got to blow out the candles...

Bob's ongoing dental issues became extremely painful for him on Saturday, so we ended up getting takeout and watching 2 movies at home.  Hopefully the dentist can get him so relief this week.  Poor man!!

We had my brother Chris and his family over for lunch today.  They came in and made it a birthday party, complete with birthday cookie...
The kids got in on the action when it came time to blow out the birthday candles...
Kinlei hasn't been feeling well all week.  Throughout the day she started getting fevered and after she took some Advil, she emptied her stomach and her fever just kept rising.  Tiffany and Chris decided to take her to the doctor since they were already in Morgantown.  Brenalin was not ready to leave.  We were downstairs watching movies on the big screen, so Brenalin stayed while her sister went to the doctor and they were going to stop by on their way home and pick her up.  Well...
the poor baby was admitted to the hospital.  Brenalin hung out with us and played.  We got out Ashley and Kaitlin's old doll house and had a great time...
After Brenalin woke up from her nap, she was not happy.  She was crying and just ready to go.  I called Chris and he was on his way to pick her up.  I let her pick what to watch on tv, but she was still crying.  Trying to think of something to make her happy, I let her watch something on Bobby's iPad.  She picked a Dora episode.  She went from full crying to full laughing in 60 seconds of holding the iPad (this thing has crazy powers!!).

She was extremely happy to see Poppy and couldn't wait to go see her sister.  Praying that Kinlei's tests come back negative of any yucky viruses!!!

Glad that my birthday weekend is over.  Dental emergencies and hospitalizations are more than enough fun for one weekend.   

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