Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Friday, September 2, 2011

After School Fun

We had heavy rains off and on all morning and early afternoon, but the sun eventually came out.  Everything got hot and dried out somewhat.  So, like it or not, I didn't have any reason not to take Bobby outside to play.

He got out our "Bo Peep" poles that I use to hold bird feeders.  He carried them to where he wanted them and had me stick them in the ground.  He spent a long time making sure that they were in the perfect location and walked back and forth between them making sure that their angles were just perfect.
He finally moved on to playing in the dirt. If you would have told me before he was born that I would let my child sit in the dirt and pour dirt over his head while I took pictures, I would have way, no how.  Then again I said that my child would never have a trampoline-way too dangerous.  Now, we have one indoors and one out!!  Never say never.
We brushed off the dirt and he went to check out the fall decorations that I put out while he was in school.
He went out and played in the dirt some more before it was time to come in and get a bath.
Luckily for us, this all comes off with just a little soap and water!!
All clean!!

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