Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Halloween costume attempt/School pictures

We have been trying to figure out a Halloween costume that Bobby would like and would actually wear that was age appropriate.  I thought that I found the perfect costume at Wal-Mart yesterday-a mountaineer!!!  I got it out when Bobby got home from school to see if he liked it, well he loved the hat...

Funny this is, whoever made this (yes it was made in China), took "Coon skin hat" to mean fake gray/black racoon (looks more North Marion than WVU).  No big deal, Bobby really seems to like this hat since he put it on multiple times through the evening and looked at himself in the mirror.  But when Zoi walked in the room and saw a racoon on Bobby's head, she wanted it for herself!!!!  She was after Bobby trying to get the prize.  Bob and I both jumped up to get the hat first.

The first problem came when I got the costume out of the package, the package said L, but the costume said M which was too small.  I knew that it would be tight and that I would have to exchange it, but I wanted to see how it looked.  Problem 2 (and the biggest problem), he would not let me put the costume on him for anything in this world!!  We had the same problem a couple of years ago when we got him an Elvis costume and he did not like the fringe at all and would not put it on.  This costume too has fringe and he is not having any part of it!!!!  Oh well, back to the drawing board and I was so excited, at least he had met the Mountaineer, he has never watched Iron Man or the Green Lantern (the popular costumes).

School pictures are today and this is a big stressor in this household.  Bobby has to go in the gym (not his favorite place) where there are a lot of people milling around and he just generally doesn't like the process.  So, we practiced this morning before he left for school...

I'm not sure how he did yet, I have to leave soon to go pick him up from school.

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