Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Leaves, Christmas and Sunday Dinner

Bobby is getting ready for the holiday season to begin, starting with his favorite movie of all time, Elmo's World Happy Holidays...
Bobby was saying some of the words outloud from the movie..."Santa Clause", "jingle bells"...Hoping that this is the year that he finally "gets" Christmas.  Bobby then went downstairs where Daddy was working and got something out of the storage room since Daddy had it opened...
He drug out a pencil tree that goes on our front porch during the holidays and plugged it in.  He knows what time of year is coming up!!

We went out and played in the leaves today.  Boy, when I started raking, the smell instantly reminded me of my childhood jumping in the leaves myself.

After playing outside, it was time to come in and get ready for dinner.  My mom had called me earlier and I invited my mom and my Aunt Dianna over for dinner.  For some reason, when we eat in the dining room Bobby sits so much better than when we have meals at the kitchen table.  I started setting the table and Bobby, once again, came in and sit down to wait for mealtime.  I began getting out the extras for the table and prepared for a proper Sunday dinner, even though it was only Saturday.  Bobby was more than excited when I put water glasses (in wine glasses) at each setting and even though his was in a cup, he sat and drank.
Funny Face!!

Finally everyone is sitting and eating, except for me, I am again taking a picture.  He wouldn't try any new foods but did enjoy his chicken nuggets.

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