Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Heaven Sent Day

When we pulled into the garage after getting home from school, it was too perfect of a day to make Bobby go inside, it would have been cruel and unusual punishment.  So Daddy stayed outside with him while I took our things in, grabbed my camera and joined them outside.  Bob was working on something in the garage so I followed after Bobby.  He, of couse, went staight into the wooded area of our yard.  He found his spot and sat down...
He stayed seated in this one spot for about 45 minutes.  Those who really know Bobby know that he doesn't stay in the same spot for 45 seconds let alone minutes.  It was perfect sensory stimulation for this sensory seeker boy.  The wind was blowing slightly to where you could hear it whirling the leaves and feel it on your skin, especially your face.  The smell was the perfect autumn aroma.  Most importantly, the visual aspect was awesome!!  He sat there longer...
You have probably noticed that he is looking up in every picture.  He found the perfect spot in the yard where the green, yellow, orange, red and brown all mingle together.  Bobby sat for almost an hour and looked at this view...
Funny thing is that most of the trees in our area are already bare since we had a wind storm that lasted for two days and we have had multiple rain storms.  For sore reason the trees around our house are still in full color.  It's like God said, "Alright Bobby, I know that you will truly appreciate the beauty of nature, so you get an extra week!!"

"Thanks God"...

Alright, now time to go eat...

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