After Bobby outgrew a stroller and shopping cart, taking him with me was.....well, exhausting. In no way whatsoever was taking Bobby to any store fun. At the beginning of last summer, working on Bobby's shopping skills was one of my main goals. His behavioral therapist even came out with us to the mall to help develop some shopping strategies.
I'm so excited to say that each time that we have gone out it has been just a little easier. In fact, the past 3 times that we have gone into a store, I have not had to hold on to Bobby in any way. I never, ever, never, ever dreamed that this would be the case.
Because today is a snow day and the roads cleared off early, I decided to take Bobby to the grocery store to work on one of his waiver goals (Title XIX Waiver are the services that Bobby receives through the state). Today's goal, Bobby is to locate 3 items from a list to purchase. I didn't have picture cards with me, I wasn't really planning on this little trip today, I was planning on him being in school. Instead, I verbally told him what to find.
First up "bananas," he went right over to the bananas, picked up a bunch and placed them in the basket that I was carrying. Next "apples," again he went right over and found them. I got a bag that I knew that he would actually eat. He doesn't realize that Mommy squeezes all of the apples to find the most firm because Bobby won't touch an apple that is the least bit soft. Next on our list, "pretzels." These are in the health food section of the store because they are a gluten free variety, he went right over and found the hole where they belong. Someone bought all of the Snyders Gluten Free Honey Mustard pretzels, of all the nerve!!!! He picked up the Hot Buffalo Wing flavored instead. He hasn't tried them yet, but my guess is that he will like them, if he doesn't I'm sure Daddy will.
He already made his goal of finding 3 items!! Whoo Hoo!! Since he was doing so well, Mommy pressed on. I also realized that there weren't many people in the store, so I got out my phone and started snapping some pictures.
Next on our list, "bacon."
Hey, wait a minute, that's not bacon!!! He studied this shelf for a while.
No, you can't have the family sized Cheetos. Try again!!!
Yes, you may have a regular sized bag of plain. He gently placed it in the basket like it was a new born baby!! OK Bobby, now find the bacon!
He walked right over to the bacon section and picked up a package of center cut Oscar Myer bacon, the only kind that Bobby will eat. However, he picked up thick cut and I swapped it out for regular sliced because he won't eat the thick. Oh Bobby, you are such a complicated eater!!!
Next on the list, "french fries."
I didn't even have to tell him which aisle, he went straight to the correct case. I just stood back to see what he would do.
He opened the door and pulled out the one that he wanted....waffle fries.
He walked over and put into into the basket.
He then walked to the cashier with me and stood nicely until he realized that the crackers were right behind us. He ran over and picked up a box of Cheeze Its, I put them back and told him he already had a treat, potato chips. He was fine and came to the cash register with me. Waited while I paid and he carried the bag of apples to the car and I carried the other two bags. He opened his car door, got in and we went home.
I honestly didn't foresee a future where Bobby could walk independently through a store. Ahhhhh, it's getting easier.
Welcome to a glimpse into the world of my 12 year old son, Bobby, who happens to be on the more severe end of the autism spectrum. We spend a great deal of time playing outside, spending time with his peers, and venturing out into the community...all while I take way too many pictures. You can also find me on Facebook at...
Bobby's World
Monday, March 17, 2014
Thursday, March 6, 2014
He Is Growing Up
I love #tbt, better know as Throwback Thursday, a day where people post older pictures on social medial. I especially love seeing pictures of kids and just being amazed by how fast they grow and mature. The thing that I love the most is looking through my own old pictures of my favorite subject, Mr. Bobby to pick out one to post.
Bobby's infancy was super easy. He was a GREAT baby!!! I didn't know that I could be so happy.
He was an awesome baby to keep on a schedule, imagine that!! He loved his routine from the get go, now I know just how important routine is to my boy. He ate right on time and had no trouble with his bottle. I loved the look on his face as he drank from his was true love.
He was also a super duper sleeper as a baby. He LOVED, LOVED, LOVED his bouncy seat, especially when it was on it's vibrating mode. If he was the least bit grouchy, just stick him in his bouncy and he was a happy boy. I was devastated when he outgrew this was I going to keep him happy?????? Answer, stick him in his car seat and put him on the dryer or take him for a ride in the car. Yeah, the riding in the car thing still happens!!!
For almost a year (6 months through 1 1/2 years old), Bobby went to sleep at about 6:30 pm and slept until 6:30 am. Daddy worked shift work in a coal mines at the time and I was fortunate enough to be able to stay home with Bobby, so we were able to stick to this routine very well. I would change his diaper before I went to bed around 10 and give him a bottle and he made it to morning. Talk about a lucky mom!!!!!
He loved being outside toddling around in our yard. He loved riding the 4 wheeler with Daddy. He loved riding his foot powered cars around the main level of our house. Again, he could entertain himself all day long. He babbled and "sang" all day long. I just knew that he was going to be an early talker because he never shut up!!!!!
But then he wasn't....his words never came. What came instead was worry, evaluations, testing, more professionals and the beginning of a journey for which no parent can ever be prepared.
After the initial shock of going to school, he settled into the school routine fairly well. He had complete structure in an autism pre-K classroom which was half kids with autism and half typical peers. He received speech therapy, occupational therapy and adaptive physical education services. He didn't mind going, and I quickly didn't mind sending him.
During this time period Bobby began having full on convulsive seizures during the night, leading to medicating our child.
It is only when we stop and look back over the difficulty of raising Bobby during these years, we get to stop and rejoice in the progress that he has made.
Bobby's infancy was super easy. He was a GREAT baby!!! I didn't know that I could be so happy.
He was an awesome baby to keep on a schedule, imagine that!! He loved his routine from the get go, now I know just how important routine is to my boy. He ate right on time and had no trouble with his bottle. I loved the look on his face as he drank from his was true love.
He was also a super duper sleeper as a baby. He LOVED, LOVED, LOVED his bouncy seat, especially when it was on it's vibrating mode. If he was the least bit grouchy, just stick him in his bouncy and he was a happy boy. I was devastated when he outgrew this was I going to keep him happy?????? Answer, stick him in his car seat and put him on the dryer or take him for a ride in the car. Yeah, the riding in the car thing still happens!!!
For almost a year (6 months through 1 1/2 years old), Bobby went to sleep at about 6:30 pm and slept until 6:30 am. Daddy worked shift work in a coal mines at the time and I was fortunate enough to be able to stay home with Bobby, so we were able to stick to this routine very well. I would change his diaper before I went to bed around 10 and give him a bottle and he made it to morning. Talk about a lucky mom!!!!!
Bobby's toys kept him extremely occupied, all of the flashing lights and buttons to push and the music, every toy played music which he loved. He was able to entertain himself with all of these toys and didn't want Mommy to hold him all day like some babies do, in fact he didn't like being held at all. Well now I know why.
Bobby's toddler days were pretty easy too. He still had all of his toddler toys that flashed and sang to him and he definitely had his favorites. He loved to go places with Mommy. I would load him in the car, pack his diaper bag and his stroller and he was HAPPY to go along for the ride.
As long as the stroller, or shopping cart, was moving, he was a happy camper. We went to so many places the summer that he turned one....the zoo, Kennywood, Idlewild, Hershey Park....and he loved going.He loved being outside toddling around in our yard. He loved riding the 4 wheeler with Daddy. He loved riding his foot powered cars around the main level of our house. Again, he could entertain himself all day long. He babbled and "sang" all day long. I just knew that he was going to be an early talker because he never shut up!!!!!
But then he wasn't....his words never came. What came instead was worry, evaluations, testing, more professionals and the beginning of a journey for which no parent can ever be prepared.
A time in my life that I truthfully would just rather forget. Bobby was officially diagnosed with autism a few months prior to his third birthday......I didn't know that I could be so sad.
I made a decision right before he turned three, the hardest decision that I had ever had to make....I started the process of getting Bobby enrolled in school. Ironically at the time, I was running an in-home day care. People were paying me money to bring their children into my home so that I could take care of them, yet I was going to send my 3 year old non-verbal child to an elementary school because I needed help taking care of him. Talk about feeling like the worst mother in the world...a complete and utter failure!
The first time that I put my 3 year old child on a school bus and sent him off to a place where I wasn't in complete control of his situation was.......such a conflicting thing. I was so afraid and scared for him, but (time for some complete honesty here) it was the first real break that I had from Bobby and it was nice to be able to breathe for a few hours without him. Before his first day of school, Bobby and I had been apart for less than 24 hours total!! After the initial shock of going to school, he settled into the school routine fairly well. He had complete structure in an autism pre-K classroom which was half kids with autism and half typical peers. He received speech therapy, occupational therapy and adaptive physical education services. He didn't mind going, and I quickly didn't mind sending him.
During this time period Bobby began having full on convulsive seizures during the night, leading to medicating our child.
After 3 years in pre-K, it was time to move on to kindergarten. Bobby was also diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Social Anxiety. He had to have medication changes leading to severe aggressiveness. Lucky me, I got to be one of his favorite targets for the aggression. Yeah, that's not covered in any of the parenting books that I have ever read.
We could not leave Bobby unattended for any amount of time at all. He had a major elopement problem and on a couple of occasions he was missing for periods of times. Once for 20 minutes in the woods that surround our home, once he walked down to one of our neighbor's home in his underwear and walked right in. Elopement was also an issue at school and they even changed the locks on the playground gates and on his classroom door. Bobby wears a tracking device from our local sheriff's office at all times.
Our house has been like Fort Knox. We have had to up the game on child proofing to make sure that things were Bobby proof. We didn't get the luxury of taking these things off when Bobby made it to school aged, our's got stronger. You had to get a key off of a hook above every door in our house to get into that room. If you needed to use the bathroom, yes, you had to unlock the door from the outside with a key before you could enter. Every cabinet in the kitchen and bathroom, the pantry, the fridge all had childproofing items. Door alarms on exterior doors. Bobby's twin bed brought into the master bedroom and he is locked inside the room with us at night so that if he gets up during the night, he can't leave without a key. Windows on the 2nd level bolted shut because Bobby got the window in his bedroom (the only unlocked room in the house at the time because every thing in there was safe for him to play with) open, knocked the screen out and was bent over looking out the window when Daddy went upstairs to check on him.
We didn't go anywhere for a couple of years as a family after Bobby grew out of the shopping cart seat. His behavior was so erratic, our nerves were shot, it just was not fun. Besides school, special needs activities, school playgrounds and therapies, Bobby was pretty much home bound. Let me tell you, it's not easy on a family when this happens.
Thankfully, with a great deal of hard work, prayers, and plain old maturity, Bobby's life has changed dramatically over the past year and a half. He started an intensive behavioral therapy program that has been helping him to find his words. Combined with working hard in school, Bobby is learning to read, type and even a little bit of writing. Accomplishments that quite frankly, Daddy and I didn't think that he would ever achieve. That will teach us to never underestimate him.
Most of our childproofing has been removed. We can now open the fridge, pantry, cabinet doors with ease. The interior doors are no longer locked. However, you still need a key to go outside. The windows are still bolted and his bed is still in the master, but he hasn't tried to elope our home in well over a year.
We have liquid soap located by all of our sinks again and Bobby hasn't dumped them out in a very long time. Same for shampoo and lotions in the bathrooms. Bobby doesn't run the water in the sinks any more just so he can stick his hands under the running water. He leaves the light on (or off) appropriately, most of the time. He doesn't sit and shuffle his little plastic toys for hours anymore. Most importantly.........Bobby is fully potty trained. I haven't had to clean out underwear in months. He also leaves the flushable wipes in the container and doesn't dump them out to play with them as a sensory toy. He also is learning to wipe his own bottom and has the desire to do so. One day, I won't have to wipe him anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Most importantly, Bobby is learning to talk. Now that he can tell us what he wants, his life is becoming much more manageable. We are exploring the world with Bobby and through Bobby. We are getting the pool, the beach, public playgrounds, the mall and other stores, bowling, restaurants. Bobby is able to get out into the world again. Our family is much happier. Our good days far out number our bad. We still have issues to work on, but we now have a renewed faith in his ability to achieve these goals.
This is definitely not the blog posting that I had in mind when I started this earlier today, but some how an overview of his life to this point came out. Funny thing happened....I had to take a break mid blogging to go pick him up from school and I ran into two different staff members. One was talking to me about the changes that she has seen in Bobby this year and didn't realize that he had been doing behavioral therapy and so happy about his successful results. The second was his aide that goes into regular education situations with Bobby. She had pictures from last week and today to share with me. Again, just so excited with the progress that he has made this year.
Look at the smile on his face!!! He's playing basketball during physical education with his regular ed. peers in the gym that in previous years he all but refused to walk into. He's having fun with his peers...this kid with a social anxiety diagnosis!!!!!! He's in the gym!!!!! OMG, what a great kid!!!!
autism at school,
baby pictures,
growing up with autism
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Winter Getaway, Bobby Style
"At the beach" is Bobby's new mantra, meaning let's get the heck out of this winter soaked place and find shelter on a warm, sunny beach. Mommy and Daddy totally get it Bobby, but we just can't go to the beach right now. We have been feeling super bad for him and looked up a couple of different ideas for weekend getaways. When we really thought it through, if we were going to be able to relax at all while Bobby was having fun, a hotel with an indoor pool was our best option.
When we plan any type of night away with Bobby all types of issues arise with the biggest issue being his safety. What kind of safety items are we going to have to take with us to make sure that Bobby doesn't escape from the room? So it made even more sense for our relaxing swimming weekend to happen in our own town so that we could go home at night and Bobby could sleep in his own bed where the safety bells and whistles are firmly in place. Yes, our autism friendly getaway happened in a hotel close to home.
We knew that Bobby was going to love the swimming aspect, but never dreamed how much he would love the hotel room. He ran around the room laughing and squealing before he stripped off his clothes and got into one of the beds and snuggled up in the covers. Daddy and I were stunned!!
Score, he got to watch Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune from his hotel bed!!!
Then Bobby decided to call for some "entertainment."
When Mommy and Daddy said no to his entertainment, he had no choice but to use the internet!! Ah, Elmo, that's more like really know what I like!!!
He swam for a little while on Friday evening but most of our time was spent just enjoying the room. We went home and slept and went back over first thing Saturday morning. He swam all day Saturday!!!!
His favorite spot in the pool was in front of a light that was in the 3 foot water. He spent a great deal of time parked out in front of this light, it makes it look like he was swimming in the dark in the pictures.
He would get out of the water, run to the deep end, jump in, bob up and down for a little while, swim to the light and park himself there for a while longer. Mommy and Daddy got to hang out in the lounge chairs!!! Perfect!!!
Dead man float!!
What does an autism family do when they have access to a local indoor pool???? Obviously you call your other autism family friends and invite them over for some swimming. After this long, hard winter we all need some swimming fun. Sonny and Joey came over and we all went to Burger King for some lunch and we let them play in the play area before we came back for some swimming.
Joey hanging out in a lounge chair for a couple of minutes.....
Sonny was hanging out in the hot tub and decided to use the foam to make a Santa beard!!
Hot tub fun....
Look, the brothers are getting along!!
Next on our swimming playdate agenda, Miss Natalie......
Look at that smile on her face!!!
The kids all had fun, the adults got to hang out in the lounge chairs with free wifi. I didn't have to cook any meals. A good time was had by all!!!
Now it's time to get back to our normal winter routine.....watching it snow and guessing how many inches of the white stuff we are going to get in this new snowstorm. I'm hoping for just a dusting and praying it is not a foot!!!
When we plan any type of night away with Bobby all types of issues arise with the biggest issue being his safety. What kind of safety items are we going to have to take with us to make sure that Bobby doesn't escape from the room? So it made even more sense for our relaxing swimming weekend to happen in our own town so that we could go home at night and Bobby could sleep in his own bed where the safety bells and whistles are firmly in place. Yes, our autism friendly getaway happened in a hotel close to home.
We knew that Bobby was going to love the swimming aspect, but never dreamed how much he would love the hotel room. He ran around the room laughing and squealing before he stripped off his clothes and got into one of the beds and snuggled up in the covers. Daddy and I were stunned!!
Score, he got to watch Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune from his hotel bed!!!
Then Bobby decided to call for some "entertainment."
When Mommy and Daddy said no to his entertainment, he had no choice but to use the internet!! Ah, Elmo, that's more like really know what I like!!!
He swam for a little while on Friday evening but most of our time was spent just enjoying the room. We went home and slept and went back over first thing Saturday morning. He swam all day Saturday!!!!
His favorite spot in the pool was in front of a light that was in the 3 foot water. He spent a great deal of time parked out in front of this light, it makes it look like he was swimming in the dark in the pictures.
He would get out of the water, run to the deep end, jump in, bob up and down for a little while, swim to the light and park himself there for a while longer. Mommy and Daddy got to hang out in the lounge chairs!!! Perfect!!!
Dead man float!!
What does an autism family do when they have access to a local indoor pool???? Obviously you call your other autism family friends and invite them over for some swimming. After this long, hard winter we all need some swimming fun. Sonny and Joey came over and we all went to Burger King for some lunch and we let them play in the play area before we came back for some swimming.
Joey hanging out in a lounge chair for a couple of minutes.....
Sonny was hanging out in the hot tub and decided to use the foam to make a Santa beard!!
Hot tub fun....
Look, the brothers are getting along!!
Next on our swimming playdate agenda, Miss Natalie......
Look at that smile on her face!!!
The kids all had fun, the adults got to hang out in the lounge chairs with free wifi. I didn't have to cook any meals. A good time was had by all!!!
Now it's time to get back to our normal winter routine.....watching it snow and guessing how many inches of the white stuff we are going to get in this new snowstorm. I'm hoping for just a dusting and praying it is not a foot!!!
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