Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

A Made For TV Story

One evening last fall, my brother Tommy (he has been known as Tom for years, but I still call him Tommy) called me.  Tommy:  "I have just had the most bizarre half hour and I don't even know where to start."  Me:  "It has only been a half hour, it can't be too hard."  Tommy:  "I just got a call from someone who said, 'I think that I am your brother.' "  Tommy told me that this person had found out his fathers name and looked up the name on Facebook and found Tommy (Tommy was named after our dad).  Tommy was so stunned that he couldn't even remember this persons name, only that he had friend requested Tommy and his daughter Ashley.  Me:  "I saw that you and Ashley both became friends with someone today on Facebook."  Tommy:  "That's him, what is his name."  So, I turned on the computer and found Chris Armstrong.  Lucky for us, Chris had all of his pictures available to everyone.  I started looking through Chris's pictures and started laughing.  Me:  "Tommy, this boy is our brother.  He looks more like Dad and Uncle Steve (our dad's brother) than either of us do!!!"

I sent Chris a personal message on Facebook and since he lived in Marion County (yes only 30-40 minutes away from me), I invited him and his family over to meet us and answer any questions that he might have.  I told Tommy when he was supposed to come to my house and Tommy got in his car and drove 5 hours to be here for the meeting.  It was only awkward for a few minutes when they walked in and soon we were all talking and interacting like we had always know each other.  The family bond was somehow already there-very surreal!!

Tommy called our dad and talked with him about the situation.  After Dad realized that none of us were upset and we all thought that it was kind of cool, he confirmed that Chris was his son.  Now all of the sudden, I am the middle child instead of the baby (LOL).  It's really funny when you stop and think about it-how many times have we been in the same room shopping, eating...since we live so close.  Chris's wife Tiffany even went to the same high school that Tommy and I did-although many years later. 

So, a few months ago, Bobby's World grew when he got a new uncle, aunt and 2 cousins. Chris, his wife Tiffany, daughter Kinlei and step-daughter Brenalin have instantly become a part of our family.

After Christmas brunch (l to r):  Brenalin, Tiffany, Kinlei, Chris, me, Bob, Ashley, Tommy, Tiffani, and Bobby

Brenalin and Bobby hanging out in the trampoline

The Armstrong Family-the latest addition to Bobby's World!!

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