His birthday weekend got off to an unexpected start. We went to visit Grandma and while we were there we decided to go out to dinner. While eating, Bobby requested "slide" on a constant basis. In Bobby's language, slide means Valley Worlds of Fun. We didn't have anything else to do and it was early Saturday evening, so we complied and took him to VWOF!! When we got into the ride room, there was NO ONE there, only the staff working the rides. Perfect time to allow Bobby to try riding by himself. They would be able to stop the rides without disrupting anyone else's fun. How did Bobby do???? He totally rode to the occasion. Bobby is now an independent rider!!
The first ride that we let him ride alone was this racer which he calls "fire truck" for some totally unknown reason to us. This bouncy slide is why he calls VWOF "slide" and he usually spends a lot of his time on this slide, however he spent less than 5 minutes total sliding this time. Now that he can ride alone, why go to the slide to get away from the parents!!
He didn't spin the tea cups, however he rode a few times, so he must have liked just going in one big circle without spinning.
He rode this hoping bunny for the first time. He was ready to get off the ride when it stopped and never went back to this area.
He's still not ready to drive independently, so Daddy went on the bumper cars with him.
For the first time that we have taken Bobby to VWOF since he was a toddler, the outside area was open. He was determined that he was riding this big ride. Daddy was a sport and took him on.
They went up in the air higher and higher.....
and higher and higher......
until they finally reached the top. Then, the bottom dropped out and the plunged, then raised, then plunged....
Bobby was ready to get off when the ride stopped. However, when we were leaving he wanted to ride again, so he must have not been too afraid. He could smell chlorine when we were outside and he was off to find the swimming pool. Sorry Bobby, it is a boat ride not a pool. Again, he was determined that he was going on the ride. This time was Mommy's turn to go with Bobby.
For the first time during our visit, we had to wait in line. Oh by the way, it was COLD and our jackets were in the car. Daddy offered to go get them, but I kept hoping that we would only be a minute or two.
We were only a minute or two. Bobby was not happy about getting into a boat. He wanted to get into the water after all it looks like a pool and it smells like a pool!!
We got out after our picture was taken and headed home. Bobby had a super fun time at Valley Worlds of Fun, perfect way to start his birthday weekend extravaganza!!
I was only planning to have a small family party at home on Monday after school which was Bobby's actual birthday. However, we ended up taking Sonny with us to their swim class on Sunday. Since Sonny would already be with us, it seemed like a perfect time to have a small party after swimming in the afternoon. Lucky Joey got to come over after another school friends birthday party...2 parties back to back, total kid fun!! But first the boys had their last swim class at the Y.
Bobby's regular helper wasn't there this week so he worked with a new girl. He did a little swimming and a lot of playing. The smile on his face while swimming just makes me so happy.
The swimmers were asked to get out of the water a little early because they were having an awards ceremony. After they got dressed, they had to sit and wait. Bobby did a great job waiting. The kid who a couple of years ago couldn't wait for anything, sat very well through the ceremony.
They went alphabetically so he got to watch most of the kids go before him. When they called his name, he went up and let them put a medal around his neck and posed for a picture. So proud that he actually participated in this!
Sonny was next alphabetically and they sat back down to wait for the rest of the class get their award.
I had them stand in front of the YMCA for just one more picture with their medals. Thanks boys.
On our way home we stopped and picked up a couple of pizzas so that we could begin our party as soon as we got home.
This year I used a different strategy for Bobby's birthday cake. I made a banana bread, that he will eat, in the form of a birthday cake. It was very hard to ice since the crust is a much thicker "bread like" crust, but I like the way it turned out.
As always, we have to have tons of candles on the cake, which are Bobby's favorite part.
Blow out the candles Bobby!! Great job!!
He loves these fun little party blowers.
Time to open gifts, he received a bunch of Sesame Street and Yo Gabba Gabba plush toys.
He also received some new swim trunks and shirts from Grandma as well as a kick board for the pool. Mimi got Bobby some new crazy sand, he has a smile on his face, I think he likes it!!
Bobby couldn't wait to get the boys into the trampoline to jump with him. He even zipped it up so that they couldn't get out.
Next on the agenda.....silly string fight. I didn't get many pictures because I was too busy helping Bobby spray his string. All I can report....Joey lost, he was totally wearing the most silly string.
You know it's a party when you have 4 party blowers going at once!!
I got these cool styrofoam airplanes at the Dollar Tree and they ended up being a lot of fun.
While Bobby was in school on Monday, his actual birthday, I finished putting up the decorations that I didn't finish on Sunday. I just wanted to make sure that he knew which day was his actual birthday.
When we got home he wanted a piece of cake. He actually ate a piece, well at least all of it that wasn't touching any icing. The banana bread strategy worked!! The first piece of birthday cake that Bobby has ever eaten.
He even posed for a couple of pictures for me.
Monday was such a beautiful day. The sky was clear and the temps were getting warm. Perfect to lay in the grass and watch the sky.
He even got in the pool for a little while. Who cares if the water got cold!!
While Mommy cooked dinner on the grill, Bobby played in his new sand. We had our family party with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma and Bobby. It was a lovely evening.
Finally time for bed. We were all worn out from 3 days of celebrating Bobby's 10th!! I was COMPLETELY SHOCKED when he got Elmo, Bert and Ernie and brought them to bed. He has never brought a toy to bed before. I had to tuck them all in when he said "kiss Elmo." What the birthday boy wants, the birthday boy gets.
Now all we have to do is finish out the school year and prepare for the big 10th birthday party blowout with all of our autism friends. Can't wait!!!
Happy 10th Birthday Bobby!!!