Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Sunday, December 27, 2015

Christmas 2015----part 1

"You're going to have to take me to get stitches."

Yes, my heart sank before I turned around and saw Daddy with his hand wrapped in a towel.  The towel was one that I kept downstairs in our basement to dry Zoi off when she came in out of the rain. The towel was blood soaked.  He had been in the basement working on prepping our concrete floor for new flooring and was grinding some dried glue off of the floor.

It's amazing how fast thoughts can spin around in your head.  It was 8 pm, the Tuesday before Christmas,  I had just gotten out of the shower and was standing in my pj's in the kitchen with wet hair.  I had just given Bobby night time cold medicine because he was so congested from a cold, that he had been having difficulty sleeping the past few nights.

First thought, OH MY GOD DADDY IS HURT.  I know this because, getting him to the doctor is a major feat, and for him to ask to go.......oh no!!!!

Second thought, there is no way I can take Bobby into the hospital to wait on Daddy.  Third thought, I don't have time to take Bobby somewhere or wait for someone to come and help with him.  Forth thought, run upstairs and get dressed!!!  Oh, get Bobby dressed too.

Less than 5 minutes later we were on the way to the doctor.  Drove to urgent care first.....the staff was getting into their cars, they closed at 8....we were 20 minutes too late!!  So we were off to the hospital.  Had no other option than to let Daddy out at the emergency room door and go park the car with Bobby and wait in the car.

30 minutes later he texted me. He had been to xray and his cut was cleaned.  I was happy!!  This was going to be much quicker than I had thought!!  Plus, he was texting must have been his left hand he hurt, I couldn't recall.

Even though Bobby had never been to the back part of this building, he knew exactly where he was. All of his doctors used to be located in the front of the building and he wanted to go in and "push the button!!  ELL-EEE-VA-TORE!!"   Uh, no Bobby, it is 9 pm and you are not going to go run around the hospital and ride the elevators.

"Pee pee potty!!!"  Fine, with all of this stress, Mommy has to go too.  Obviously I hadn't been to the emergency room in years, because now there is an armed police officer and metal detectors to go through to get in.  Darn, I'd hoped to not talk with anyone with my half wet hair.  Had to explain Bobby's Project Lifesaver bracelet, which by the way, did NOT set the detector off, shocking!!

Back to the car to listen to Laurie Berkner's Christmas for the millionth time!!
 All in all everything went well.  However, it took much longer than any of us would have liked.  I didn't want to leave and wait at home (we live 10 minutes away), because I knew in my head that as soon as I left, he would be finished, Bobby would be asleep, I'd have to wake him and all hell would break loose!!  So we stayed.  Daddy walked out of the emergency room at 11:30.....3 long hours for all of us!!  He texted me pics of his finger, but I'll spare you those!!  I'll also spare you the details about the actual visit too....I for one have a very weak stomach.
 Last year we were at the hospital around this time getting Bobby's cast removed, this year getting stitches in Daddy's finger, next year.....I'm wrapping myself in bubble wrap now!!

It has been unseasonably warm this Christmas.  We haven't had our winter coats on yet!! Bobby was bored on Christmas Eve day so I took him to the playground and let him wear his shorts.  I made the mistake of wearing a sweatshirt and was burning up.

We went home and got ready to go to Grandma's for our Christmas Eve tradition.  Super fun thing happened.....Santa came on a firetruck to say hi to all of the kids in her town.
 Aunt Mimi walked Bobby out to Santa so I could get some pics!!
 Candy cane gift was perfect!!
 Grandma Carolyn in her cute Christmas apron.

 After our annual prime rib dinner, we opened a few gifts.  However, my niece and her fiance are coming in on the 27th from North Carolina.  Gee, it seems like we just saw them!!  So, most of our gifts are still setting under the tree waiting for Christmas Part 2!!!
 Grandma is helping Kaden search for the Christmas pickle hidden in the tree!!
 Bobby loved the sleigh bells. Yeah, those are staying at Grandmas!!

 After gifts it was time to go home and get ready for Santa's arrival!!
Every year, Zoi does a great job of protecting the gifts after Santa's arrival to make sure that all is OK for Bobby on Christmas morning!!

A month or so ago, I woke up with an idea for a gift for Bobby.  I explained my idea to Daddy and he implemented!!  He built Bobby a platform to put in his bedroom to build his roads and bridges and line up all of his favorite toys.  Daddy built it all with scrap wood that he already had!!  

 He didn't want to leave his room and open the rest of his gifts.  I went and gathered a few gifts that he would like for his new platform. He opened them and immediately put them to use!!

He finally came down and opened a couple more of his Santa gifts, but didn't have much interested in opening any more.  So they are under the tree with the rest of our gifts waiting for Ashley and Chris to be here!!  Zoi, on the other hand, had NO problem opening her gift!!


Gathering up things right now to head back to Grandma's house for Part 2 of Christmas 2015!!  It's kind of nice that it's not all over in one day!! 

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