Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Winter 2016 Catch Up

We were cocky!!  The whole East coast was just downright cocky.  No snow in November, none in December, hanging out in shorts on Christmas Eve, we were sure that winter was just going to pass us by this season.  Well, Mother Nature had the last laugh....winter did indeed a big way!!!

The reason that I'm finally getting around to catching up.....Bobby is sick.  In fact, he has been sick a lot this winter.  It seems as if every few years he has a bad winter and this, unfortunately, is his bad winter.  This time, stomach bug.  We are in day 4 of this yuckiness.  Hopefully he makes it back to school before the snow begins again later this week.  So far, it isn't looking good for this to happen.

One other reason that I hadn't been sharing quite as many pictures lately....internet issues.  Happy to report that our internet issues have been fixed and it is faster than ever!!  It was rough for this family to be internet-less during the snow days.

My family, minus me, enjoys being outside in the snow.  I tend to bundle up and hang out in the dry garage while they play and work.  Something that I do enjoy about the snow....taking pictures of my family having fun.  Needless to say, I end up with tons and tons of pictures.  Thought that I would share a small sampling from our last couple of snows.
 I know, she looks like a dog in one of the pictures reminding people to bring their pets indoors during extreme cold and snow.  This girl is a snow LOVER and sometimes refuses to come in until she is good and ready.  I think that she is happy to finally be cooled off!!
The most time that these two spend together is outside when it is snowing.

I need to get Bobby a bright, colorful winter coat, this one blends into the snow!!

And now for the major snow event of the winter.....Snow Storm Jonas!!!  The forecast kept changing, but it was basically 6-12 inches of snow.  The boys went out and started plowing in the evening after the snow began.  I remember walking downstairs the next morning and my eyes went wide!!  I got out a measuring stick and opened our back door....15 inches already and it was supposed to snow for a few more hours.  A couple of days later, I read a report that this snow storm was the 2nd largest one time snow event in the Morgantown, WV recorded history.  We ended up with 19 inches total at our house, some of our local friends had a few inches more.  The eastern panhandle of WV was in the 30 inches range.

This snow was too much for Zoi,  it was well over her legs and she had to leap. She would have loved this as a puppy, but she's 8 now and struggled.  She loved hanging out in the driveway that Daddy and Bobby had plowed and this is where she had to go potty for a few days.

Daddy's car is under there somewhere!!!

A swim anyone???  How about a grilled steak???

I wanted him to stand in the fresh, knee deep snow for a picture, he, however, wasn't that interested.

The best surprise about Jonas, it wasn't a wet. heavy snow like was predicted.  It instead was a light, powdery snow that didn't stick to the tree branches and weigh them down......yay, no power outages!!!!!!!!!  Whoo hoo!!!!  First major snow with no power outage in the 12+ years I have lived in our house.

Since Zoi is used to going out to potty in our front yard, I tried to get her to go off of our front porch and move around to pack some snow down so that she would have some room.  Well that plan didn't work at all!!!!!!!  I finally coaxed her off of the porch and she got stuck.  She literally couldn't move. I ran in, grabbed my camera, took a couple of pictures and then went and rescued her.  I know, right, parents today....we all have to get the picture first!!!!  LOL!!  Back to the driveway to potty for Zoi.

We have managed to do a couple of fun activities in between all of the snow and sickness!  Bobby went to the YMCA for a swim birthday party.  As you can tell by the smile on his face, he was super happy to be out of the house having some fun!

And for the best time of the year........Junior Tykes tumbling with all of Bobby's friends from Stepping Stones!!!  The kids love this event more than anything!!!  Time to jump, jump, jump!!!

Hopefully Mr. Bobby gets over this stomach bug soon.  We are all ready to get back to school and life.....well, actually just to get out of the house!!

Spring is only a month away!!

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