Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Don't Call CPS

Attention neighbors...if you heard Bobby yesterday afternoon, I wasn't beating him, just trying to cut his hair!!!!  Next time I think I'll call the doctor and get myself some valuim first!! 

Actually he wasn't quite that bad.  Close!  Each time it gets a tiny, tiny, tiny bit easier.  He did better with the clippers than with the scissors, go figure.  Just don't look too closely, it's not like he will let me straighten it up.  However, he does look presentable. 


  1. It looks really cute! Great job!! What is it with us and bad hair cutting experiences?? Ours was a nightmare!

  2. I like it, you did a pretty good job...I can show you photos of a hack job!! I used to have to put michael in a leg lock to get it cut, and we were both crying and screaming by the end of it. All his pictures from 10 down he has super long hair. Funny enough he does better with the clippers too.
