Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Over the River and Through the Woods....

To Grandma's house we put up her Christmas tree.  Putting up a Christmas tree wouldn't be that big of a deal if you didn't have to drag it and all of the decorations out of storage.  At my mom's house, the storage is in the upstairs attic so I offered to come over and get them out for her.  After I picked up Bobby from school we headed to Monongah to get her tree and decorations out of the attic and bring the containers downstairs.  My mom made dinner while I started setting up the tree and Bobby stayed right by my side to make sure that I was doing a good job!

The porch on my mom's house used to be the entire length of the house, but half of the porch was closed in many, many years ago.  This room has always been called the "little room" since it is little and doesn't have much of a purpose.  Recently, it has become an office/computer room, but at Christmas time it has always been the perfect spot for her Christmas tree.  The room has two sets of windows that face the main road so her tree is in view of everyone who drives by her house. 

The first objective for decorating the tree is to clear out the little room and she had this completed before we got there.  Bobby liked being able to get to the windows without anything (table with plants) in his way.

Bobby with his Chrismas karoke microphone, an early present from Grandma.

"I wonder if Santa is going to bring me presents here too...."
"Come on Mom, faster!!!"
Bobby helping out while I took a break to run to the store to get more lights.
"You should see the view from down here!!!"
"Even looks better if you squint!"

We got the tree up and Grandma will put the decorations on after I take Bobby home (so much easier).  Aunt Dianna stopped and helped out for a little while.  Then it was time for dinner.  Mimi and JR stopped by and we had a whole chicken, mashed potatoes and gravy, steamed green beans, homemade cranberry sauce, noodles and Bobby passed on all of this and had chicken nuggets...
He prefers to sit at the breakfast bar instead of the table, but most kids do.  He also brought a Christmas decoration over to his spot to look at while he ate. 
Grandma's finished tree

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