Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Pajama Day

Today is Pajama Day at school.  For most kids this is a fun way to get ready for the holidays.  For kids with autism, this can be a stressful way to start the day.  After all, we are breaking the rules.  You DON'T wear pajamas to school, you wear them to bed!!!!  In the past, getting Bobby out of the house in his pajamas has been a little bit of a struggle, today he was great.  One thing that I did different this year, he had never worn these pajamas before.  They were an early Christmas present from Grandma Carolyn, which I kept up for this particular event.  I definitely didn't want to start the day frustrated because something that was supposed to be fun turned into a minor meltdown.  Crazy I know, that a parent has to pre-plan a way to make pajama day stress free!! 
It's crucial that your pajamas and your backpack match!!
Letting the iPad do the talking!!!

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