Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

A Boo Boo and Walking Dogs

Nothing much going on in Bobby's World lately.  He has adjusted well to the 3rd Grade and is happily going off to school every day.  I haven't really taken many pictures of him in the past week and a half because he.....well, I'm not 100% sure what he did but I do know that the coffee table was involved.  I heard a big bang and then immediately heard Bobby screaming crying, which he never does, so I knew that he was hurt.
A huge goose egg appeared on his forehead.  The swelling stayed for a couple of days and moved down between his eyes.  Poor boy looked a little freakish.  As the swelling went away, two black eyes appeared and remained for many days.  I said, multiple times, "I swear, we don't beat him!!"  I took pictures of the black eyes, but they don't look even close as bad as they did in person.

We stayed around the house a whole bunch during the week, other than school and therapy, so I didn't have to explain my child having two black eyes to everyone.  So here are a couple of random pictures that I took while he stayed home....
 Yeah, I took more pictures of Zoi than of Bobby during this time....

 My friend Noelle and I started walking in the mornings on the Decker's Creek Rail Trail.  We felt guilty when we passed the dog park that was empty every time we walked by, so we decided that we would take our dogs with us on our daily walks.  Zoi was super, duper excited to get in the car with us to take Bobby to school.  She couldn't even control her excitement when got out of the car and her friend Ellie was there and we were all going to walk together!!!  Zoi and Ellie were thrilled and wanted to explore everything when the walk started.  However, by the time that we walked our mile and a half to get to the dog park.....poor Zoi was exhausted!!!  Ellie is only one year old and still had a lot of energy and wanted Zoi to run around the fenced dog park with her, but Zoi needed to rest!!!
We let her rest for a half hour and she perked up a little....
We made our mile and a half walk back to the car and both of the dogs walked great.  As soon as we got home and I brought Zoi into the house she went straight over to the air conditioner vent and laid down.  She stayed there for the next few hours and slept.  She finally got up and moved over to Bobby's bean bag...
She slept until 5:00 pm and finally got up and had a normal evening.  She did much better the next walk and actually moved around the dog park and played a little and didn't pass out for the rest of the day when she got home.  This morning she was NOT happy with me when she didn't get to go with us.  After all, Bobby had his back pack on and he was obviously going to school.  Sorry Zoi, I had to go to the DVM, definitely not a dog friendly place.

Bobby finally got back into the swimming pool this weekend, he hasn't been in the pool for weeks. I grabbed the camera and got some pictures of him before we closed the pool this weekend.

Ahhhh, the long weekend is over, my DMV errand is complete, Bobby's black eyes are almost gone and I have finished another blog posting.

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