Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Thursday, September 26, 2013

While The Kids Are Away, The Dogs Will Play

Zoi stands right by the door when I am getting Bobby ready for school in the morning.  She knows that when Bobby is standing at the back door wearing his backpack that we are going out the door very soon.  She is going with us, like it or not!!!  She goes right into the garage and patiently waits until I open the back end of the 4 Runner and then she jumps in and rides behind the doggy gate.
Our first stop....Bobby's school.  Zoi waits in the car while I walk him into the building and then we are off for some fun.
Have a good day at school Bobby!

We meet our human friend Noelle and our dog friend Ellie.  Zoi and Ellie have turned into BFFs and look forward to their time together.  The dogs get out of the car nicely and we all calmly start our walk.
Unfortunately Noelle knows that this is a big old lie, so I guess I have to tell you the truth.  They get out of the back of their rides like caged animals who have never seen another dog before.  It takes them a couple of minutes to calm down before they start walking us for the first couple of minutes of the walk.  Noelle also knows that this picture was taken well into our time together when they had both settled down.  

We walk 1 1/2 miles to the dog park and let them run free and play in the large fenced in area.
The first thing that they do when we get into the dog park is get a drink!!  The park has a nice water fountain so that they can have fresh water put into the bowls that are already there.

Time to explore the entire dog park.....

Ellie's a young girl with tons of energy and she tries her hardest to get the old girl Zoi to chase her around.  She generally isn't very successful.

They also go their separate ways and explore on their own....

Then it's time to put their leashes back on to get ready to walk the 1 1/2 miles back to the car, nice and calmly since they are a little worn out.


  1. Ha ha. Look at my dog. She's foaming at the mouth like a rabid stray. -- Greg

    1. I deleted quite a few pictures of both dogs because of the foam and yuck all over their faces!! LOL!!
