Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Does Bobby Have A Crush???

There are two things that I need to tell you before I go on...

First-Bobby doesn't really interact with kids his own age.  He interacts with adults much better than with kids his own age.  He also doesn't care for kids touching him.  I have seem him many times swat their attempts away.  He usually just keeps his distance from them. 

Second-I don't like to write about things that are second hand.  I have not witnessed any of the events that I am going to discuss.  They are second hand from Bobby's aide who takes him to lunch at school.  

Here goes...

A couple of weeks ago Bobby's aide emailed me a picture of Bobby sitting by a little girl in the cafeteria at lunchtime.  According to the aide, Bobby likes to sit by this little girl.  To me, he looks annoyed that the girl is around.

I just blew off her account that Bobby likes her due to the look on his face.  However, when I picked him up from school yesterday the aide showed me some more pictures that she took of the two of them at lunchtime.  In one picture the girl is holding Bobby's hand.  In one picture she is touching his face.  According to his aide, one day another student, Sonny, went in first and sat down beside her and Bobby went over and squeezed in between the two of them.  She also reports that Bobby sits there extremely well while this girl is sitting down.  They don't have any issues of him getting up and running off.

I am not off planning their wedding or anything like that.  But I guess in my own head, Bobby was going to be like Sheldon on Big Bang Theory and Bobby would not be interested in a romantic relationship.  This whole topic has started me thinking about Bobby's teenage and adult years, something I try very hard not to do.

Since he is functionally non-verbal, how will we know how he feels about a girl?  Oh, I really can't even think deep enough about this to really write about it!! 

So, I don't really have the answer to my own question, "Does Bobby have a crush?"   I can honestly say that I am nowhere ready to tackle this question.  But like it or not, one day I will have to deal.  Just not today Bobby, just not today.  You are still Mommy's little boy!!!! 

1 comment:

  1. our eyes are little boys will never be nothing more than our little boys. My little boys are going to be 32 and 27. They will always be my little boys. We as mothers never let them grow up. The first time you posted this picture my heart melted. This time you posted it my heart smiled. Yes I do believe Bobby has a crush. Looks like they both might have someone to lean on. She sure does. Cheri you have done such a "wonderful" job as a mother, wife and a sister. The sister part means a great deal to me and I thank you for that. So cherish each day you have with Bobby because even though they will always be are little boys they do grow up and WAY to fast.

    Love you blogs!
