Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Snow Day turned Sick Day

Bobby hasn't missed any school this year, so when I woke up Friday and the wind was blowing, the snow was still coming down, the windchill was 5 degrees and more snow was predicted for the day, I decided to give Bobby a snow day.  They were already scheduled for a 2 hour early dismissal and every other county had cancelled school for the day.  I pulled the covers back up and we stayed in our PJs all day long.

Bobby had a great day.  He played nicely all day.  He played with all of his Christmas toys.  He never asked to "Go outside" which kind of surprised me since it was snowing.  There was no way we were going out because it was so cold, but I was extremely glad that it wasn't even an issue. 
He even hung out under the trampoline for a while, he hasn't done this for a long time...

I think that Bobby is getting the hang of this snow day thing, he climbed in Mommy's bed and gathered the pillows around.  Time to watch Nick Jr.!!!!
One of the most aggrevating aspects of autism, especially since Bobby is functionally non-verbal, is that he can't tell me that he doesn't feel well.  I don't get the heads up that Bobby's belly hurts.  Thankfully he didn't go to school and share the sick germs that he was carrying.  A couple of hours later Bobby showed me that he had the stomach flu.  He was up all night long, maybe got an hour of sleep total.  He layed around all of the next day, trying to fall asleep, but his body just would not let him.

It's now Sunday and Bobby has finally eaten a couple of bites and had a few cups of liquid to drink.  Hoping that it is over and the rest of us don't follow his lead.

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