Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Friday, January 13, 2012

"I want popcorn"

Bobby has a handful of words that he uses constistently and appropriately.  Popcorn has been a word that he got at an early age since it is a highly desireable item.  I didn't want to give him microwave popcorn that often and I am too lazy to pop it on the stovetop.  Years ago I came across an easy, easy way to pop popcorn in the microwave.  Thought that I would share since we are having a self imposed snow day today and Bobby is hogging the TV.

You need:  popcorn and a brown paper lunch sack (these are found in the grocery store on the bottom shelf below the ziplock bags-took me a while to find them).
Cover the bottom of the bag with popcorn (I use about 1/4 cup)...
Fold the top of the bag over twice.  I try not to take up more than an inch of space so that there is plenty of room for the popcorn...
Lay the bag on its side in the microwave (I didn't take a picture since my microwave needed a little wipedown!!) and turn it on for the same amount of time that you would typical microwave popcorn.  My microwave happens to have a popcorn button that I use.
Voila!! Popcorn!!  Melt some butter and add some salt (I also didn't take pictures of this, thought that you could figure it out on your own).  Since I use a little real butter for the popcorn, our microwave popcorn has 3 ingredients:  popcorn, salt, cream.  Look at the ingredient list on the prepackaged stuff!!
It makes a large bowl full.  Not sure if you knew this, but in the snow day handbook it says that, "yes, you may have popcorn for breakfast!!"  Good news Bobby...
Who is this kid doing something educational on a snowday????

Bbbbbbrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!  Can't believe that it was 50 degrees yesterday, today 9 degree wind chill.

1 comment:

  1. no oil in the bag? This is great! We use the Orville "Just salt" but they do put oil on the kernels. I'll try this, thanks! (Heather Rider)
