Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Winter Fun

Christmas break is finally over, so back to school Bobby goes!!  Since it started snowing yesterday, I didn't mention school to him since there was a good chance that there would be a delay or cancellation.  When I woke up, I looked outside and saw a school bus driving down Rt. 19, which meant SCHOOL TODAY!!  It also meant that I had to venture down our big old hill.  No worries, I was getting Bobby to school today one way or another.  We didn't have any trouble.  The 4 Runner went down the hill perfectly.  Thanks Bob for getting the killer snow tires for me!!! 

Bobby didn't have any issues going to school.  He got out of the car without objections and walked into the school with ease.  I happily met Shelly this morning for our school day tradition of walking laps around the Morgantown Mall.  We walked for about an hour, basically because we had a lot to talk about to catch up on our kids winter break.  Afterwards, I stopped at Walmart and did some grocery shopping and browsing since I hadn't been out of the house alone in two weeks.  When I got back into my car it was almost 11:00am.  I couldn't wait to get home and eat lunch, especially since I forgot to eat breakfast.

I turned at the Star City Sheetz intersection onto Rt. 19 with clear roads.  By the time I made it to the Pursglove Post Office it was snowing like crazy and the roads were covered.  I pulled into a parking lot and called the school to say that I was coming to get Bobby.  There was no way that I was driving back up my hill and then doing it all again.  I turned around, slid out of the parking lot and drove back through the snow.  By the time I got back to the Sheetz intersection, nothing but wet roads.  There was no snow in Westover, where Bobby's school is located, so I felt silly for picking him up early. 

Bobby's teacher said that he had a good morning.  Did well with his morning work, went to speech with no issues, but did want to go outside to play.  He wasn't in any hurry to leave with me, which made me feel even more silly.  But I took him with me anyway.  As soon as we got into the car he said "french fries" (which means "I want McDonalds") because they kept him in the classroom instead of taking him to lunch due to the fact that I was picking him up.  We went through the drive thru because I was starving too.  After all, no need to hurry since it wasn't snowing.

When I turned onto Rt. 19 from the Star City Sheetz intersection the roads were still clear.  About 1/2 mile down the road it was snowing so hard that the roads were covering before my eyes.  By the time I passed the Pursglove Post Office, which apparently is the end of the world, it was snowing so incredibly hard that I had to use the guard rail to direct me down the road.  There were no other cars in sight and visiblility was the end of my hood.  I had a death grip on my steering wheel and kept thinking to myself, "let go and put it into 4 wheel drive!!!!!"  I finally put it into 4 wheel and didn't have any problems other than I couldn't see where I was going.  Again, thanks Bob for the awesome winter tires that are on my vehicle!!!  I turned onto our hill and the 4 Runner climbed it like a champ.  I did slide around the curve at the beginning of our driveway but kept my foot on the gas and kept on going.  When I was finally parked in my garage, I think that I finally breathed.  I was visibly shaking.

So amazingly happy that I don't have to go back out there today!!  But you know me, I had to go out and take some pictures of the snow after I calmed down and the snow stopped.
Slidding through the curve!!
My teenaged neighbor trying his hardest to make it up our hill in his Mustang.  He didn't even make it half way up the small hill before the larger hill.  Next time, buy a truck!!!
Poor Santa was blinded by the snow.  I may actually get to take down the outdoor decorations by the end of the week.  The forecast is in the 50s.  Keeping my fingers crossed.
The snowmen look so very happy!!!
The sun was out again!!  However, in the past 10 minutes, the sky turned dark and it is snowing hard again.  So glad that we are home!!!  Drive carefully friends!!


  1. I remember when we slid down your driveway backwards. Miss ya!!

    1. Yes, I remember. I was yelling the F word and eventually did a 180 and went into the ditch and then we finally stopped!! Good Times!!!
