Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy 2012

My niece Ashley and her new puppy River came to visit from North Carolina for the New Year holiday.  First thing that we had to do, introduce River and Zoi.  After they sniffed and got their introductions over, Zoi went outside to take a little break.  River, who never chews raw hide chewies, immediately went to town...
Zoi came back in and chilled out beside Daddy for a little while...

It wasn't long before they were rolling around and playing with each other...
Grandma Carolyn was trying to take a nap, but her Granddogs had another idea...
More playing...
Then poor Zoi needed a rest.  Keeping up with a puppy is hard work...
Bobby was completely uninterested in the adventures of the dogs.  He kept working, building masterpieces with his new building toys...
Finally, it was time for dinner.  Crab legs, shrimp, cheddar bay biscuits, corn on the cob....
Looks like Daddy enjoyed his dinner....
To help Bobby understand that we were having a celebration, I baked a New Year cake.  Bobby loves to blow out the candles...
Happy 2012!!!

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