Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

After School Fun

Bobby got to leave school extra early today, YEAH BOBBY!!  We had to go to Valley Healthcare for a waiver meeting, BOO!!!  Since Mother Nature is totally confused about what season we are in and what the correct temperature should be, we again had to go out and play since it was in the 50s on February 1.  Not as nice as yesterday, but still weather that dictates Bobby go outside and play.  Daddy put the sides up on the trampoline yesterday so Bobby ran right down and got in as soon as I opened the garage door.
He got tired of his hat hitting him on the head while he jumped, so he put it on.
Showing that he is a true hillbilly!!
He kept poking his head out to say, "You jump."  Sorry Bobby, you are on your own today!!

He finally got out of the trampoline and sat down in the Rhino waiting for Daddy to come home and take him for a ride.  Poor kid would have had to wait for hours. 
He got tired of waiting so he went in and got to business.  He got on the phone and facebook to plan playdates with his friends.  They planned a get together on Friday at the gymnastics center for tumbling.
  What a great day!!!

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