Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Monday, February 27, 2012

Baby oil and Bulldogs

I came across a recipe for a sensory activity on Pinterest (which, by the way, is a great place to search for sensory activities) for "Moon Sand" which was just odd enough that I had to try it out.  You take 8 cups of flour and add a cup of baby oil.  As I was mixing it, I thought, wow I could actually play in this stuff.  It feels like silk, reminding me off a silky baby blanket.  I don't understand rice and bean play, but I totally get this!!  Bobby could NOT wait for me to finish preparing.  He wanted to get his hands in NOW.
We got right in and started molding.  It molds well like wet sand and breaks apart very well, without the grittiness of sand.
Zoi came close and laid down.  "Can't believe he gets to make more messes in here.  Woof."
At this point, Bobby is still relatively clean.  Wonder how long it will last?
He's playing so nicely that I decide to get my mom's new Kindle Fire out and set it up for her.  Funny how you really get into what you are doing and stop paying attention to what else is going on.
Apparently Bobby's hair needed washed with some flour!!  Really he just likes to watch it fall in front of his eyes.

 I stopped and cleaned up a little.  Not too bad.  Time to get back to downloading facebook and Words with Friends for my mom!
By this time he was such a mess that I just had to snap a few pictures.
The mess was finally big enough that the fun had to stop.  Daddy even came in to help clean up.  When it was all over and the mess cleaned, Bobby tried to get some of the moon sand out of the garbage can so that he could play some more.  We will defintely do this activity again, but it will be moved outside next time.  He absolutely loved it!!

Later in the day, Bobby was playing outside in his dirt bin when Rosie the bulldog came up for a visit.  Bobby was less than excited.


  1. I love it! I'm going to try it for Michael to play in. The beach is the only place I see him play and doesn't mind the mess, so this will be good for him. But I'm going to take a lesson from you and wait to do it outside, maybe even in the sand and water table on the porch.

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