Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Friday, February 3, 2012

Tiny Tykes Tumbling 2012

The best thing about February....Tiny Tykes Tumbling at the WV Gymnastics Training Center with Bobby's friends from Stepping Stones.  Stepping Stones provides recreational activities to persons with disabilities.  If you don't believe that there is a rise in the number of children with autism, I would love to invite you to one of our Tiny Tykes activities where unfortuantely the number of children with autism in the activities is at least 90%.  Most of these kids are also in our autism support group.  Tiny Tykes activities are a win-win for everyone.  The kids get to go into the gymnastics center and jump, jump, bounce, bounce their little hearts out, WV students get volunteer opportunities and the parents...well, we get to sit behind a window, watch and visit with each other.  Many of us met 3 years ago (is that possible!!) and have trudged through the murkey waters of autism together.  Which by the way, is much easier than going it alone!!  One of todays topics... Hair Cutting and why it sounds like CPS should be called while the kids are getting the cuts!! 

I did take a break from the parents and go into the gym to take pictures.  It is so difficult to get nice pictures in there...too dark and kids moving way too fast. 

Bobby went to his favorite location and got his new helper to do all of the work while he sat in the middle of the trampoline and was bounced around like popcorn.
(The other boy was fine!!)

Only 2 kids are allowed to jump on this particular trampoline at one time and Bobby had been parked right there for about 20 minutes.  I made him get up (his helper tried God love her-she was way too meak), and go to another area so that other kids could take their turn here.  I went back to the parent area and Bobby went off with his helper.  After a pit stop at the water fountain and a couple of laps around the gym, Bobby walked his helper over to a foam pit area.  I watched with amazement what Bobby did next!!  He acted like he was going to jump into the foam pit and got his helper to jump too.  She jumped, he did not!!  While she was in the pit, which is EXTREMELY hard to get out of,  Bobby ran across the gym and went right back to his spot of the trampoline while his helper struggled to get out of the pit and catch up with him.  OH WHAT A KID!!!
Sonny actually wanted his helper to jump into the pit with him.  Sonny would jump first and then he prompted his helper to jump in and then Sonny would "swim" through the foam to get to his helper.  Great, Great fun in Sonny's eyes!!
Wesley having fun in the pit too.

Bobby walked into the parent area with 15 minutes of gym time left and was ready to go.  He came over, sat down, put his shoes and coat on and walked to the car perfectly with Daddy by his side.  He seems to have come down with a cold.  I feel like this crazy haze of sickness has been hovering over our house for a couple of weeks and we are ready for it to move on!!  Bob and I both had a rough week and are finally feeling better and now a cold for Bobby.  Oh well,  blah, blah, blah!!! 

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