Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Saturday, February 11, 2012

The Bob's Snow Removal Team

We finally woke up to a little bit of snow this morning and as the morning progressed another inch or so fell.  Finally, we have about 2 inches of snow.  The boys got to go out and plow the hill in the new Rhino.  Big difference in snow plowing equipment from last year!!  The Rhino now has a Bob-made windshield and back window and purchased doors.  They get to ride in semi-warm comfort unlike the 4 wheeler snow plow of the past. 
Reminder of last years snow removal equipment...

After clearing the road, Bobby had to go play in the snow...
He went and played in the woods until Daddy came and got him on the Rhino.  Yeah, more snow removal!!!
Bobby wasn't too excited to come back into the house.  He would have stayed outside all day if we would have let him!!  But we had some work to do since Valentine's Day is this week...

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