Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Monday, February 6, 2012

Family Tragedy

The first posting of Bobby's World was about our annual Anderson Family Reunion.  I also posted one of my favorite pics of all time, cousins Bobby and Brant at the reunion.  Brant is trying to get Bobby to play with him, but having no success, so he just got down beside Bobby and tried to play the way that Bobby was playing.  It makes me think of growing up with cousins and that you have a family bond even if you don't see each other that often.  When you get together at reunions, weddings, funerals or any other occassion, you are able to pick up where you left off and always have a commonality.
Friday night, Brant's Great Grandpa and Great Grandma were both killed in a house fire.  To make matters even worse, Brant's Grandpa and Grandma's home also burned in the fire, since they lived close.  Thankfully someone entered the home and got Grandpa David out of bed and he escaped the blaze. 

I don't even have the words...

Mimi (my mom's sister), Grandma Carolyn (my Mom), and Aunt Gladys (their mom's sister and Brant's Great Grandma) at one of our family reunions. 

Uncle Lynn (Brant's Great Grandpa). 

The only up side to a tragedy of this nature is that it happened in the small town of Mannington where the have lived for years and where they raised their 6 children.  The community of Mannington has already rallied around the Harvey family to help with the clean up process. 

I have written and deleted this posting multiple times and have struggled with it unlike any other posting.  I do ask that you keep the Harvey family in your prayers. 

Rest in peace Uncle Lynn and Aunt Gladys. 

 Bobby and Brant a few years ago at the Anderson Family Reunion.


  1. I know I'm very late but in the whirlwind that is this year I wanted to stop by and say I've caught up on your blog and I'm very sorry for your loss.

    I hope you're ok.
