Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Sunday, February 12, 2012

A Cold, Valentiny Sunday At Home

First thing this morning, Bobby took his iPad into the trampoline and worked on his favorite app (First Words-spelling with phonics).
I decided to make a "Valentine" breakfast today, since big Sunday breakfasts are one of Bob's favorite things.  Bobby happily helped me make pancakes.  He loves, loves, loves dumping liquids from cup to cup, cup to sink, bowl to sink, cup to bowl, etc......So dumping the pancake ingredients into the bowl for Mommy is so much fun.  Plus, no one yells because he is dumping something (because it is usually bad news!!)
First you add an egg.
Make sure that you get it ALL!!
Next, the oil.
And of course, get every last drop!!!  Next, smell the milk to make sure that it is OK...
If it is OK, then add to the bowl...
I even made the pancakes heart shaped.  Awwww.  Sorry no picture.  Booooo.

After breakfast, Bobby decided that he wanted to go outside.  He got his hat and Daddy's snow pants.  Trying to get himself dressed so that we would take him out to play in the "nope,"  a.k.a. snow.
Daddy finally felt bad enough to take Bobby out, even with single digit wind chill temperatures.  They both layered up and went out to ride in the Rhino.  Bobby came in red cheeked and happy. 
All weekend Bobby has been saying, "Blow the candles out" and then he blows.  He has said this hundreds of times.  Daddy wanted us to have a cake so that Bobby could actually blow out some cake candles.  Bobby came right on over and helped pour all of the ingredients into the bowl.
First the cake mix, then the water...
Add the oil, then the eggs.

I can't take credit for this cake idea.  I got it from Pinterest. 
I wasn't planning on making this cake until Tuesday.  I already purchased all of the ingredients, but didn't get candles.  I found a couple, but not really tall enough for this cake.  We made due and Bobby didn't care.  He was just happy that he got to blow out candles.

We have done well with our will power so far this evening and the cake has remained uncut.  If it is still intact in the morning, I am sending it to work with Bob.  This cake has way too much chocolate for two people, it needs to be served to a crowd!!

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