Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Bobby and Rosie

We went outside yesterday to put up the outdoor Christmas decorations since it was a perfect day, especially for late November.  I was decorating the front porch.  Bob was sitting on the steps encouraging me on and Bobby was laying in the front yard (which is a huge hill). 
Little did he know that he was about to get a visitor...

                                           Rosie, our neighbors dog, had come up for a visit.

Bobby was totally caught off-guard.

He wasn't happy.

Trying to get up and get out of there!!

"Leave me alone dog!!!"

Trying to run.  Little does he know that Rosie loves this!!

Finally, up to the porch and to the protection of Mom and Dad!!

Bob took Rosie over and put her in the fence to play with Zoi...
Rosie finally had someone who wanted to play with her.  Poor Zoi, Rosie isn't able to run laps and have the fun that Zoi likes. 

I finally got all of the outdoor decorations up!!  Bobby wasn't that interested in helping, but he did enjoy watching the decorating process.  He did find some beads in a storage container that he thought would add to the decor...
Now, to decorate the inside of the house, Christmas cards, shopping, wrapping, mailing, cooking....FA LA LA LA LA LA LA LA!! 

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