Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Thursday, November 24, 2011

We are Thankful

Happy Thanksgiving!!!  It's the day that forces you to think about what you are thankful for in your life. 

I am thankful that Bobby's "rough patch" that lasted for almost 6 months, beginning in late January, is over.  I have learned, the hard way, what the horrible side effects of psychotropic medications can be.  He is now adjusted to his new seizure medication and won't be taking any new medications any time soon (if ever!!).
Making funny faces into the "mirror" a.k.a. the blank computer screen.

I am thankful that I have truly never known what it is like to really have it bad.  I don't live in a shanty village in a third world country. I have always had food to eat.  I have always had medical care.  I have always had clean water.  I have always had a roof over my head.  I have always been surrounded by a loving family. 
Cracking himself up!!

I am thankful that I haven't suffered any loss within my family and friends this year.  I know that many of my friends have...

I am thankful that I have found new friends who understand the daily struggles of raising a child with autism.  I am thankful for the friends that I already had and for my family who try to understand.

I am thankful that I have an awesome husband.  He works hard for our family.  Provides us with a great home.  We are not without any needs that we have.  He is by my side supporting me through my stress and daily struggles.

I am thankful for the awesome educators and therapist who work with Bobby every day.  He is learning more all of the time.

Bobby's new favorite activity on the iPad.  Moving leaves, popping bubbles to find hidden objects.

I am thankful that I have no real health issues. 

I am thankful that I have a great life!!!!
Working hard!!

Happy Thanksgiving from The Smith Family!!!!

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