Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Friday, November 4, 2011

Trip Down Memory Lane

I've got nothing new.  This week has been full of the, home, sleep, school, home, sleep.  Bobby has some congestion and a cough, but nothing major.  Just enough to make sleeping difficult.  I did go and pick him up from school early today.  He had a substitute teacher and he was just not happy spending the day with someone new.  He spent the day with her yesterday with no problem, but two days in a row was just not on Bobby's agenda.  I had two choices, leave him at school and let him cry it out or go get him, bring him home and do some productive work at home.  So he is at home.

I had to get out the laptop and do a couple of things and I started looking through some old pictures of Bobby and I thought that I would share some of my favorites:

This picture was taken in October 2005 (late in the month, but I don't remember the exact day, just that it was a few days before Halloween).  It started snowing that morning and didn't stop all day.  Since there were leaves on the trees, many snapped and fell into power lines.  Our power went off and Bobby kept taking me to the light switches trying to get me to turn them on and the same with the tv.  We live on the top of a hill and have a water pump in our basement that pumps the water up the hill and stores 40 gallons in a tank then pumps more when we use the water.  This pump works on electricity, so no water either.  I got out the old phone that doesn't require electricity and called the electric company and they said it would be about 9 days until the power was restored.  What!!!  9 days!!  No power, no water, then the phone went out too.  We packed up and moved to Grandma's for a week (Grandma was in her glory.  Bobby in her house for a full week!!!).
View from my front porch during the snow.  The mums on the porch managed to miss the snow.  Lost part of the tree in front and completely lost the one behind.
I was trying different outfits on Bobby to see which one I wanted to have his 18 month pictures taken in.  You can tell by his hand how he feels about this process!
Laying in his purple hippo ball pit.

I built him a castle and plopped him in the middle. Wish I could still pick him up like I could then.
Have no idea where we were going, but doesn't he look cute!!
Playing dress-up in scrubs.
Sitting in the rocking chair that Uncle Tom made for us.  Uncle Tom cut up trees that had fallen down, put them through a saw mill (that he made) to make the lumber, kept the lumber for years in his basement to properly dry out, transported the lumber from VA to NC when they moved before he made the rocking chair.  He also made Bobby's crib and changing table.  The heaviest, most sturdy furniture that you will ever see.
Bobby in his crib handmade by Uncle Tom.
Bobby used to sweat so much during sleep that he woke up with major "bed head."
Poor baby dolls.  He loved to climb in the doll bed.
Sitting in the MegaBlock bin and watching his favorite "Mommy and Me" video.
Bobby's first motorcycle helmet.  He loved the 4 wheeler from an early age.
Bobby jumped in the tub before I could get his clothes off.
Thanks for indulging my trip down memory lane.  Where did my little baby baby go?

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