Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Friday, November 25, 2011

Gingerbread House Fun and a Visit From Amie

On Wednedsay, our newlywed cousin Amie was coming for a visit.  I had bought a gingerbread house kit for an activity to do with Bobby on this week long break and thought that this might be a fun activity to do when Amie was visiting.  Bob, however, came home from work early and walked in the same time that Amie did, which caused Bobby to want to go "outside."  Bobby didn't settle down enough to try to decorate while Amie was here.  We had a great visit instead and decorated after she left.

I laid out the house kit...
Assembled the house....
Bobby went over, picked up one of the cookies to decorate, scraped off some icing, and put it in his mouth.  He never did actually eat the cookie, just made a mess.

Amie came over to say good-bye...
After Amie left, Bobby and I got to work.  Here Bobby put the candy into the bowls...
Some candy for the bowl, some candy for the mouth...

He didn't eat the candy, just chewed on it and spit it out.  Oh, the messs!!!  I had to end up decorating the house by myself, because way, way too much candy was going into Bobby's mouth.
I lost my desire to decorate any more of the house because the house was loosing candy almost as fast as I was putting it on...

Zoi is even trying to sneak a bite...
Oh, the poor violated gingerbread house...
There was so much chewed candy and icing on the floor, which was no problem because Zoi was closely behind Bobby cleaning up his mess, that I had to just throw the house away.  Too much candy for one afternoon.  Oh well, we all had fun, especially Zoi!!

Yesterday was Thanksgiving.  My mom, Aunt Mimi, and Aunt Dianna came over to help cook the dinner.  We had an early dinner since Grandma Carolyn had to leave by 3 to go to work.  It was a great day...
Today is supposed to be a sunny, semi-warm day.  That means, time to put up the outdoor decorations!!  Let the holidays begin!!!

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