Bobby's World

Bobby's World

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Good Bye Old Camera

Nothing much going on in our lives this week.  Bob and I did manage to get out of the house last night without Bobby to finish our Christmas shopping for Bobby.  While we were at Sam's Club, I picked out my present, a new camera.  Lets face it, if you get a new camera, you need to have access to it before the holidays, since there are finally things to take pictures of!!  I downloaded the last pictures off of my old camera and thought that I would share...
Tye-Die Day at School

Yesterday morning before school

Interested in the purple cabbage while I was making cole slaw

When I got my new camera out of the box and set up, I realized that the battery had to be charged before I could use it.  So, I didn't get to play with my new camera until Bobby was already in bed...
Leave me alone Mommy, I am trying to go to sleep!!

He feel asleep in the middle of a photo shot...of all the nerve!! 

Playing on his iPad while Mommy is blogging

Poor Bob, Bobby and Zoi are in for a full day of being the subjects of my "photo journalism" (LOL).  Hope that they are enough energy to deal with my new toy all day!!

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